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10 #ifndef PARTICLE_H
11 #define PARTICLE_H
14 const int PDGdown = 1, PDGup = 2, PDGstrange = 3, PDGcharm = 4, PDGbottom = 5,
15  PDGtop = 6;
16 const int PDGelectron = 11, PDGnuelectron = 12, PDGmuon = 13, PDGnumuon = 14,
17  PDGtau = 15, PDGnutau = 16, PDGgluon = 21, PDGphoton = 22, PDGZboson = 23,
18  PDGWplus = 24, PDGh0 = 25, PDGH0 = 35, PDGA0 = 36, PDGHplus = 37;
19 const int PDGsdownL = 1000001, PDGsupL = 1000002, PDGsstrangeL = 1000003,
20  PDGscharmL = 1000004, PDGsbottom1 = 1000005, PDGstop1 = 1000006;
21 const int PDGselectronL = 1000011, PDGnuselectronL = 1000012,
22  PDGsmuonL = 1000013, PDGnusmuonL = 1000014, PDGstau1 = 1000015,
23  PDGnustauL = 1000016;
24 const int PDGgluino = 1000021, PDGneutralino1 = 1000022,
25  PDGneutralino2 = 1000023, PDGchargino1 = 1000024, PDGneutralino3 = 1000025,
26  PDGneutralino4 = 1000035, PDGchargino2 = 1000037;
27 const int PDGsdownR = 2000001, PDGsupR = 2000002, PDGsstrangeR = 2000003,
28  PDGscharmR = 2000004, PDGsbottom2 = 2000005, PDGstop2 = 2000006;
29 const int PDGselectronR = 2000011, PDGsmuonR = 2000013, PDGstau2 = 2000015;
32 const int PDGgravitino = 1000039;
34 const int PDGpi0 = 111, PDGpiPlus = 211;
37 const int PDGA2 = 46, PDGH3 = 45, PDGneutralino5 = 1000045;
39 typedef enum {gluino = 0, sdownL, sdownR, supL, supR, strangeL, strangeR,
40  scharmL, scharmR, sbottom1, sbottom2, stop1, stop2, selectronL,
41  selectronR, smuonL, smuonR, snue, snumu, stau1, stau2, snutau,
42  chargino1, chargino2, neutralino1, neutralino2, neutralino3,
43  neutralino4, h0, H0, A0, Hplus, A2, H3, neutralino5} particleType;
46 class Particle {
47  public:
48  string name;
49  double mass;
50  int PDG;
57  double total_width;
58  double two_width;
59  double three_width;
60  double four_width;
61  vector<vector<double> > Array_Decays;
62  vector<string> Array_Comments;
63 };
65 #endif
Particle class definition for decays.
Definition: particle.h:46
double two_width
Total width of 2-body modes.
Definition: particle.h:58
double three_width
Total width of 3-body modes.
Definition: particle.h:59
int No_1to3_Decays
How many 3-body decay modes.
Definition: particle.h:53
int No_1to2_Decays
How many 2-body decay modes.
Definition: particle.h:52
int PDG
PDG code of parent.
Definition: particle.h:50
vector< vector< double > > Array_Decays
Partial width for each decay.
Definition: particle.h:61
int No_of_Decays
How many decay modes.
Definition: particle.h:51
string name
name of the parent
Definition: particle.h:48
double four_width
Total width of 4-body modes
Definition: particle.h:60
int No_1to4_Decays
How many 4-body decay modes.
Definition: particle.h:54
int No_NMSSM_Decays
How many NMSSM specific modes.
Definition: particle.h:56
int No_grav_Decays
How many decays to gravitinos.
Definition: particle.h:55
vector< string > Array_Comments
Comments for SLHA file.
Definition: particle.h:62
double mass
mass of the parent
Definition: particle.h:49
const int PDGA2
PDG codes for extra NMSSM particles:
Definition: particle.h:37
const int PDGdown
Define Particle PDG codes - for SLHA output of decay tables.
Definition: particle.h:14
const int PDGgravitino
Definition: particle.h:32
const int PDGpi0
useful meson codes
Definition: particle.h:34