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particle.h File Reference

Definitions of particles and container for decay widths. More...

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class  Particle
 Particle class definition for decays. More...


enum  particleType {
  gluino = 0 , sdownL , sdownR , supL ,
  supR , strangeL , strangeR , scharmL ,
  scharmR , sbottom1 , sbottom2 , stop1 ,
  stop2 , selectronL , selectronR , smuonL ,
  smuonR , snue , snumu , stau1 ,
  stau2 , snutau , chargino1 , chargino2 ,
  neutralino1 , neutralino2 , neutralino3 , neutralino4 ,
  h0 , H0 , A0 , Hplus ,
  A2 , H3 , neutralino5


const int PDGdown = 1
 Define Particle PDG codes - for SLHA output of decay tables.
const int PDGup = 2
const int PDGstrange = 3
const int PDGcharm = 4
const int PDGbottom = 5
const int PDGtop = 6
const int PDGelectron = 11
const int PDGnuelectron = 12
const int PDGmuon = 13
const int PDGnumuon = 14
const int PDGtau = 15
const int PDGnutau = 16
const int PDGgluon = 21
const int PDGphoton = 22
const int PDGZboson = 23
const int PDGWplus = 24
const int PDGh0 = 25
const int PDGH0 = 35
const int PDGA0 = 36
const int PDGHplus = 37
const int PDGsdownL = 1000001
const int PDGsupL = 1000002
const int PDGsstrangeL = 1000003
const int PDGscharmL = 1000004
const int PDGsbottom1 = 1000005
const int PDGstop1 = 1000006
const int PDGselectronL = 1000011
const int PDGnuselectronL = 1000012
const int PDGsmuonL = 1000013
const int PDGnusmuonL = 1000014
const int PDGstau1 = 1000015
const int PDGnustauL = 1000016
const int PDGgluino = 1000021
const int PDGneutralino1 = 1000022
const int PDGneutralino2 = 1000023
const int PDGchargino1 = 1000024
const int PDGneutralino3 = 1000025
const int PDGneutralino4 = 1000035
const int PDGchargino2 = 1000037
const int PDGsdownR = 2000001
const int PDGsupR = 2000002
const int PDGsstrangeR = 2000003
const int PDGscharmR = 2000004
const int PDGsbottom2 = 2000005
const int PDGstop2 = 2000006
const int PDGselectronR = 2000011
const int PDGsmuonR = 2000013
const int PDGstau2 = 2000015
const int PDGgravitino = 1000039
const int PDGpi0 = 111
 useful meson codes
const int PDGpiPlus = 211
const int PDGA2 = 46
 PDG codes for extra NMSSM particles:
const int PDGH3 = 45
const int PDGneutralino5 = 1000045

Detailed Description

Definitions of particles and container for decay widths.

Variable Documentation

◆ PDGgravitino

const int PDGgravitino = 1000039

const int PDGnuselectronR = 2000012, PDGnusmuonR = 2000014, PDGnustauR = 2000016 - for use later with right handed neutrinos