Contains all supersymmetric MSSM parameters, incorporating R_p MSSM. More...
#include <softsusy.h>
Public Types | |
typedef void(* | TMSSMBoundaryCondition) (MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &) |
Public Member Functions | |
MssmSoftsusy () | |
Default constructor fills object with zeroes. | |
MssmSoftsusy (const MssmSusyRGE &) | |
Constructor sets SUSY parameters only from another object. | |
MssmSoftsusy (const MssmSoftsusy &) | |
Constructor copies another object. | |
MssmSoftsusy (const MssmSusy &, const MssmSoftPars &s, const sPhysical &sp, double mu, int l, int t, double hv) | |
const MssmSoftsusy & | operator= (const MssmSoftsusy &s) |
Set all data in the object equal to another. | |
virtual const DoubleVector | display () const |
Return contents of object in a vector: for RG evolution. | |
const MssmSoftsusy & | displayMssmSoft () const |
Displays whole object as a const. | |
const sPhysical & | displayPhys () const |
Displays physical parameters only. | |
sPhysical | displayPhysUncertainty (TMSSMBoundaryCondition boundaryCondition, double mxGuess, const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, const QedQcd &oneset, bool gaugeUnification, bool ewsbBCscale=false, int contributions=DeltaAll) const |
Displays uncertainty estimate of pole masses. More... | |
sPhysical | displayPhysUncertaintyScaleVariation () const |
Displays uncertainty estimate of pole masses by scale variation only. More... | |
const drBarPars & | displayDrBarPars () const |
const sProblem & | displayProblem () const |
Returns any problem flags associated with the object. | |
const QedQcd & | displayDataSet () const |
Gives the low energy Standard Model data set used for the object. | |
double | displaySoftA (trilinears, int, int) const |
Return a trilinear element in "SUGRA style". | |
double | displayFracDiff () const |
Displays iteration accuracy attained. | |
double | displayMinpot () const |
Returns minimum of Higgs potential. | |
double | displayMsusy () const |
Returns Higgs minimisation scale. | |
double | displayMw () const |
double | displayMwRun () const |
Returns DRbar MW, must be calculated by calcDrBarPars first. | |
double | displayMzRun () const |
Returns DRbar MZ, must be calculated by calcDrBarPars first. | |
double | displayTadpole1Ms () const |
displays t_1/v_1 tadpole | |
double | displayTadpole2Ms () const |
displays t_2/v_2 tadpole | |
double | displayTadpole1Ms1loop () const |
displays t_1/v_1 tadpole@1 loop | |
double | displayTadpole2Ms1loop () const |
displays t_2/v_2 tadpole@1 loop | |
double | displayMxBC () const |
const MssmSoftsusy & | displaySoftsusy () const |
Returns object as a const. More... | |
double | displayMz () const |
Returns value of pole MZ being used. | |
bool | displaySetTbAtMX () const |
Is tan beta set at the user defined SUSY breaking scale? | |
bool | displayAltEwsb () const |
bool | displayAltMt () const |
bool | displayAltAlphaS () const |
bool | displayAltAlphaEm () const |
double | displayPredMzSq () const |
double | displayQewsb () const |
double | displayMatchingScale () const |
void | flagMgutOutOfBounds (bool a) |
Flags weird mgut-type problems. | |
void | flagIrqfp (bool a) |
Flags Infra-red quasi fixed point breach problem. | |
void | flagNonperturbative (bool a) |
Flags non-perturbative RG evolution. | |
void | flagTachyon (tachyonType a) |
Flags a negative-mass squared scalar (really a CCB problem) More... | |
void | flagTachyonWarning (tachyonType a) |
void | flagM3sq (bool a) |
Flags problem with Higgs potential minimum. | |
void | flagNoConvergence (bool a) |
Flags fact that calculation hasn't acheived required accuracy. | |
void | flagNoMuConvergence (bool a) |
Flags fact that mu sub iteration didn't converge. | |
void | flagNoRhoConvergence (bool a) |
Flags fact that rho parameter sub iteration didn't converge. | |
void | flagMusqwrongsign (bool a) |
Flags point inconsistent with electroweak symmetry breaking. | |
void | flagInaccurateHiggsMass (bool a) |
void | flagHiggsufb (bool a) |
Flags an inconsistent Higgs minimum. | |
void | flagNotGlobalMin (bool a) |
LCT: Flags problem if not in global minimum of Higgs potential. | |
void | flagAllProblems (bool a, tachyonType b) |
Sets all problems equal to either true or false (contained in a) | |
void | flagProblemThrown (bool a) |
Flags a numerical exception eg number too big/small. | |
void | setProblem (const sProblem a) |
Sets all problem flags. | |
void | setSoftsusy (const MssmSoftsusy &s) |
Sets whole object equal to another | |
void | setData (const QedQcd &r) |
Sets low energy Standard Model fermion mass and gauge coupling data. | |
void | setMinpot (double) |
Sets potential value at minimum of Higgs potential. | |
void | setMsusy (double) |
void | setMw (double) |
sets pole MW prediction | |
void | setPhys (const sPhysical &s) |
Sets all physical parameters. | |
void | setMxBC (double mx) |
Sets the scale at which high-scale boundary conditions are applied. | |
void | setDrBarPars (const drBarPars &s) |
Sets tree-level DRbar parameters. | |
void | setSetTbAtMX (bool a) |
Sets the setTbAtMX flag. | |
void | useAlternativeEwsb () |
Use alernative EWSB conditions: set mu and MA(pole) | |
void | useAlternativeMt () |
Use alernative mt(MSSM,DR-bar) calculation. | |
void | useAlternativeAlphaS () |
Use alernative alpha_s(MSSM,DR-bar) calculation. | |
void | useAlternativeAlphaEm () |
Use alernative alpha_em(MSSM,DR-bar) calculation. | |
void | setPredMzSq (double a) |
Set MZ^2 predicted after iteration. | |
void | set (const DoubleVector &) |
Sets total set of RGE parameters equal to elements of a vector. | |
void | setQewsb (double q) |
Sets user-set scale qewsb. | |
void | setTwoLoopAlphasThresholds (bool sw) |
void | setTwoLoopMtThresholds (bool sw) |
Switch 2-loop threshold \( O(\alpha_s^2) \) corrections to top mass. | |
void | setTwoLoopMbMtauThresholds (bool sw) |
void | setAllTwoLoopThresholds (bool sw) |
Switch all two-loop thresholds to gauge-Yukawa couplings. | |
DoubleVector | beta () const |
Returns double vector containing numerical beta functions of parameters. | |
void | setFracDiff (double fD) |
sets fracDiff, needed for access by NmssmSoftsusy methods | |
void | H1SfSfCouplings (DoubleMatrix &lTS1Lr, DoubleMatrix &lBS1Lr, DoubleMatrix &lTauS1Lr, double gmzOcthW, double mu, double cosb, double v1) const |
fixes trilnear H1-sfermion-sfermion couplings | |
void | H2SfSfCouplings (DoubleMatrix &lTS2Lr, DoubleMatrix &lBS2Lr, DoubleMatrix &lTauS2Lr, double gmzOcthW, double mu, double sinb) const |
fixes trilnear H2-sfermion-sfermion couplings | |
double | doCalcTad1Sfermions (DoubleMatrix lTS1Lr, DoubleMatrix lBS1Lr, DoubleMatrix lTauS1Lr, double costhDRbar) const |
routine to calculate sfermiom contributions to H1 tadpole / v1 More... | |
double | doCalcTad2Sfermions (DoubleMatrix lTS2Lr, DoubleMatrix lBS2Lr, DoubleMatrix lTauS2Lr, double costhDRbar) const |
routine to calculate sfermiom contributions to (16 \pi^2) t1 / v1 More... | |
double | doCalcTad1fermions (double q, double v1) const |
fixes trilnear H1-fermion-fermion couplings More... | |
double | doCalcTad2fermions (double q) const |
fixes trilnear H2-fermion-fermion couplings More... | |
double | doCalcTad1Higgs (double q, double costhDRbar2, double g, double tanb) const |
one loop H1 tadpole contributions from Higgs bosons in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad2Higgs (double q, double costhDRbar2, double g, double tanb) const |
double | doCalcTad1Neutralinos (double q, double costhDRbar, double g, double cosb) const |
one loop H1 tadpole contributions from Neutralinos in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad2Neutralinos (double q, double costhDRbar, double g, double sinb) const |
one loop H2 tadpole contributions from Neutralinos in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad1Charginos (double q, double g, double cosb) const |
one loop H1 tadpole contributions from Charginos in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad2Charginos (double q, double g, double sinb) const |
double | doCalcTad1GaugeBosons (double q, double costhDRbar2, double g, double tanb) const |
one loop H1 tadpole contributions from Charginos in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad2GaugeBosons (double q, double costhDRbar2, double g, double tanb) const |
void | doTadpoles (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
Does the full 2-loop calculation of both tadpoles and sets them. More... | |
virtual double | doCalcTadpole1oneLoop (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
Does the calculation of one-loop pieces of \( t_1 / v_1 \). More... | |
virtual double | doCalcTadpole2oneLoop (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
Does the calculation of one-loop pieces of \( t_2 / v_2 \). More... | |
virtual void | calcTadpole1Ms1loop (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
checked More... | |
virtual void | calcTadpole2Ms1loop (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopQCD (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &strong) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopStop (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &stop) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopSbottom (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &sbottom) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopHiggs (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopEweak (double p, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopNeutralino (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopChargino (double p, DoubleMatrix &chargino) |
virtual void | addStopCorrection (double p, DoubleMatrix &mass, double mt) |
As in BPMZ appendix. More... | |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownQCD (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &strong) |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownHiggs (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownEweak (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownNeutralino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownChargino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &chargino) |
virtual void | addSdownCorrection (DoubleMatrix &mass, int family) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotQCD (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &strong) |
void | addSbotSfermion (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &stop, DoubleMatrix &sbottom) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotHiggs (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotEweak (double p, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotNeutralino (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotChargino (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &chargino) |
virtual void | addSbotCorrection (double p, DoubleMatrix &mass, double mb) |
Checked 16.08.2005. More... | |
DoubleMatrix | addSlepHiggs (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addSlepEweak (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
void | addSlepGaugino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &chargino, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
virtual void | addSlepCorrection (DoubleMatrix &mass, int family) |
16.09.05 checked. More... | |
void | addSlepCorrection (double p, DoubleMatrix &mass, int family) |
void | addStauSfermion (double p, double mtau, DoubleMatrix &stop, DoubleMatrix &sbottom) |
void | addStauGaugino (double p, double mtau, DoubleMatrix &chargino, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addStauEweak (double p, double mtau, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addStauHiggs (double p, double mtau, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
virtual void | addStauCorrection (double p, DoubleMatrix &mass, double mtau) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupQCD (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &strong) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupHiggs (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupEweak (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupNeutralino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupChargino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &chargino) |
virtual void | addSupCorrection (DoubleMatrix &mass, int family) |
As in BPMZ appendix, INCLUDING weak boson loops. More... | |
void | addSnuTauSfermion (double p, double &stop, double &sbottom) |
double | addSnuTauHiggs (double p, double &higgs) |
double | addSnuTauEweak (double p, double &electroweak) |
void | addSnuTauGaugino (double p, double &chargino, double &neutralino) |
virtual void | addSnuTauCorrection (double &mass) |
double | addSnuHiggs (double p, int family, double &higgs) |
double | addSnuEweak (double p, int family, double &electroweak) |
void | addSnuGaugino (double p, int family, double &chargino, double &neutralino) |
virtual void | addSnuCorrection (double &mass, int family) |
Found+fixed bug 7/09/06. Thanks to J Kersten. More... | |
void | addSquarkCorrection (DoubleMatrix &mass) |
Now these are calculated at the squark scale. More... | |
virtual void | doUpSquarks (double mt, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int accuracy) |
virtual void | doDownSquarks (double mb, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int accuracy, double mt) |
virtual void | doChargedSleptons (double mT, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int accuracy) |
virtual void | doSnu (double pizztMS, int accuracy=0) |
virtual void | treeUpSquark (DoubleMatrix &mass, double mtrun, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int family) |
virtual void | treeDownSquark (DoubleMatrix &mass, double mbrun, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int family) |
virtual void | treeChargedSlepton (DoubleMatrix &mass, double mTrun, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int family) |
void | treeSnu (double &mSq, double pizztMS, int family) |
virtual void | calcDrBarPars () |
Organises tree-level calculation of all sparticle masses and mixings. More... | |
void | setNeutCurrCouplings (double sinthDRbar, double &sw2, double &guL, double &gdL, double &geL, double &guR, double &gdR, double &geR) |
void | calcDRTrilinears (drBarPars &eg, double vev, double beta) |
sets the Yukawas and Trilinears | |
void | calcDrBarHiggs (double beta, double mz2, double mw2, double sinthDRbar, drBarPars &eg) |
void | treeCharginos (DoubleMatrix &mCh, double beta, double mw) |
void | treeNeutralinos (DoubleMatrix &mN, double beta, double mz, double mw, double sinth) |
void | calcDrBarGauginos (double beta, double mw, double mz, double sinth, drBarPars &eg) |
masses in eg with the appropriate values on exit. | |
virtual void | sparticleThresholdCorrections (double tb) |
double | qedSusythresh (double alphaEm, double Q) const |
double | qcdSusythresh (double alphasMSbar, double Q) |
double | calcMs () const |
DRbar pars should be defined already for this. More... | |
virtual void | physical (int accuracy) |
virtual double | calcRunMtQCD () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop and 2-loop QCD corrections. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunMtStopGluino () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop stop-Gluino corrections. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunMtHiggs () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop Higgs corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunMtNeutralinos () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop Neutralino corrections. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunMtCharginos () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop Charginos corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunningMt () |
virtual double | calcRunMtauDrBarConv () const |
calculates factor to convert to DrBar for mtau | |
virtual double | calcRunMtauCharginos (double mTauSMMZ) const |
virtual double | calcRunMtauNeutralinos (double mTauSMMZ) const |
virtual double | calcRunMtauHiggs () const |
Obtains (1 / mtau) times 1-loop Higgs corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunningMtau () |
Full BPMZ expression. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunMbDrBarConv () const |
calculates factor to convert to DrBar for mb | |
virtual double | calcRunMbSquarkGluino () const |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop sbottom-Gluino corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunMbChargino () const |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop squark-chargino corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunMbHiggs () const |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop Higgs corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunMbNeutralinos () const |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop neutralino-suqrk corrections. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunningMb () |
double | calcSinthdrbar () const |
Calculates DRbar sin theta_w at the current scale from gauge couplings. More... | |
double | getVev () |
Calculates Higgs VEV parameter from gauge couplings and MZ. | |
double | getVev (double pizzt) |
virtual void | charginos (int accuracy, double piwwt) |
checked More... | |
virtual void | addChaLoopSfermion (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS) const |
virtual void | addChaLoopGauge (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS, DoubleMatrix b1pCha, DoubleMatrix b0pCha, DoubleMatrix b1pNeut, DoubleMatrix b0pNeut) const |
virtual void | addChaLoopHiggs (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS, DoubleMatrix b1pCha, DoubleMatrix b0pCha, DoubleMatrix b1pNeut, DoubleMatrix b0pNeut) const |
virtual void | addCharginoLoop (double p, DoubleMatrix &) |
Adds the loop corrections on to an input tree-level chargino mass. More... | |
virtual void | neutralinos (int accuracy, double piwwt, double pizzt) |
mixNeut set to diagonal = mixNeut^T mNeutralino mixNeut: checked More... | |
void | addNeutLoopSfermion (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS) |
void | getNeutPassarinoVeltman (double p, double q, DoubleMatrix &b0fn, DoubleMatrix &b1fn) |
LCT: Returns matrix of Passarino-Veltman B0 and B1 functions. More... | |
void | addNeutLoopGauge (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS) |
void | addNeutLoopHiggs (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS) |
virtual void | addNeutralinoLoop (double p, DoubleMatrix &) |
Adds the loop corrections on to an input tree-level neutralino mass. More... | |
virtual void | gluino (int accuracy) |
Calculates pole gluino mass to 1-loop SUSY corrections. More... | |
void | calcHiggsAtScale (int accuracy, double &mt, double &sinthDRbar, double &piwwtMS, double &pizztMS, double q=0.) |
bool | higgs (int accuracy, double piwwt, double pizzt) |
virtual int | rewsbMu (int sgnMu, double &mu) const |
virtual int | rewsbM3sq (double, double &) const |
returns 1 if mu < 1.0e-9 More... | |
int | rewsbM3sqTree (double, double &) const |
returns 1 if mu < 1.0e-9 More... | |
void | alternativeEwsb (double mt) |
Fixes mH1^2 and mH2^2 in order to get muCond and mAcond correct. More... | |
virtual void | rewsb (int sgnMu, double mt, const DoubleVector &pars, double muOld=-6.66e66, double eps=0.) |
virtual void | rewsbTreeLevel (int sgnMu) |
double | treeLevelMuSq () |
void | iterateMu (double &munew, int sgnMu, double mt, int maxTries, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbar, double tol, int &err) |
double | predTanb (double muSusy=-6.66e66) const |
double | predMzsq (double &tanb, double muOld=-6.66e66, double eps=0.) |
double | deltaEW () const |
Returns fine-tuning as defined in Baer et al arXiv:1212.2655 eq 1.2. More... | |
double | ewsbCondition1TreeLevel () const |
DH: returns the values of the tree-level EWSB conditions. More... | |
double | ewsbCondition2TreeLevel () const |
void | ewsbConditions (DoubleVector &values) const |
void | predVevs (DoubleVector &vevs, int &err) |
DH: solves the EWSB conditions for the Higgs VEVs. More... | |
DoubleVector | fineTune (void(*boundaryCondition)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &), const DoubleVector &bcPars, double MX, bool doTop=false) |
Pass it an object and it'll return the fine tuning parameters. More... | |
double | it1par (int numPar, const DoubleVector &bcPars) |
double | ufb3sl (double) |
double | realMinMs () const |
double | calcBayesianNaturalness () const |
Calculates Bayesian naturalness a la arXiv:1709.07895. | |
virtual double | piZZTHiggs (double p, double Q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
Calculates Higgs contribution to the transverse part of Z self-energy: More... | |
virtual double | piZZTsfermions (double p, double Q) const |
Calculates sfermion contribution to the transverse part of Z self-energy: More... | |
virtual double | piZZTfermions (double p, double Q, bool usePoleMt) const |
fermion contribution to the Transverse part of Z self-energy: More... | |
virtual double | piZZTNeutralinos (double p, double Q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
virtual double | piZZTCharginos (double p, double q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
virtual double | piZZT (double p, double Q, bool usePoleMt=false) const |
Transverse part of Z self-energy: has been checked. More... | |
virtual double | piWWTHiggs (double p, double q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
virtual double | piWWTfermions (double p, double Q, bool usePoleMt) const |
virtual double | piWWTsfermions (double p, double Q) const |
virtual double | piWWTgauginos (double p, double Q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
virtual double | piWWT (double p, double Q, bool usePoleMt=false) const |
virtual void | getNeutralinoCharginoHpmCoup (ComplexMatrix &apph1, ComplexMatrix &apph2, ComplexMatrix &bpph1, ComplexMatrix &bpph2) const |
LCT: Returns trilinear neutralino-chargino-hpm coupling in unrotated basis. More... | |
double | piHpHmFermions (double p, double q) const |
LCT: Returns fermion contributions to charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piHpHmSfermions (double p, double q, double mu) const |
LCT: Returns sfermion contributions to charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piHpHmGauge (double p, double q) const |
LCT: Returns pure gauge contributions to charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piHpHmHiggs (double p, double q) const |
LCT: Returns Higgs contributions to charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piHpHmGauginos (double p, double q) const |
virtual double | piHpHm (double p, double Q) const |
LCT: Charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piZGT (double p, double Q) const |
virtual double | piAA (double p, double Q) const |
Complex | pis1s1Sfermions (double p, double q, DoubleMatrix ls1tt, DoubleMatrix ls1bb, DoubleMatrix ls1tautau) const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the sfermion contribution to Higgs. More... | |
Complex | pis1s2Sfermions (double p, double q, DoubleMatrix ls1tt, DoubleMatrix ls1bb, DoubleMatrix ls1tautau, DoubleMatrix ls2tt, DoubleMatrix ls2bb, DoubleMatrix ls2tautau) const |
Complex | pis2s2Sfermions (double p, double q, DoubleMatrix ls2tt, DoubleMatrix ls2bb, DoubleMatrix ls2tautau) const |
Complex | pis1s1Fermions (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2Fermions (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s1Higgs (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s2Higgs (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2Higgs (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s1Neutralinos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s2Neutralinos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2Neutralinos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s1Charginos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s2Charginos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2Charginos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s1 (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s2 (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2 (double p, double q) const |
checked 28.10.02 More... | |
double | sinSqThetaEff () |
Calculates sin^2 theta^l_eff. | |
virtual double | h1s2Mix () |
gets h1 mixing element with Hu. | |
virtual void | rhohat (double &outrho, double &outsin, double alphaMZDRbar, double pizztMZ, double piwwt0, double piwwtMW, double tol, int maxTries) |
virtual double | deltaVb (double outrho, double outsin, double alphaDRbar, double pizztMZ) const |
outrho, outsin represent the DRbar values More... | |
virtual double | dRho (double outrho, double outsin, double alphaDRbar, double pizztMZ, double piwwtMW) |
virtual double | dR (double outrho, double outsin, double alphaDRbar, double pizztMZ, double piwwt0) |
double | maxMass () const |
Returns the mass of the heaviest SUSY particle, excluding gravitino. More... | |
int | lsp (double &mass, int &posi, int &posj) const |
int | nlsp (double &mass, int &posi, int &posj) const |
string | printShort () const |
Prints a list of important sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output. More... | |
string | printLong () |
Prints a list of all sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output. More... | |
string | printLongDrbar () |
Prints a list of all running sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output. More... | |
virtual void | printObj () |
Prints whole object to standard output. | |
double | thet (double a, double b, double c=0.0) |
log(max(a^2, b^2, c^2) / Q^2) | |
void | fixedPointIteration (TMSSMBoundaryCondition boundaryCondition, double mxGuess, const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, const QedQcd &oneset, bool gaugeUnification, bool ewsbBCscale=false) |
double | lowOrg (void(*boundaryCondition)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &), double mxGuess, const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, const QedQcd &oneset, bool gaugeUnification, bool ewsbBCscale=false) |
void | itLowsoft (int maxTries, int sgnMu, double tol, double tanb, void(*boundaryCondition)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &), const DoubleVector &pars, bool gaugeUnification, bool ewsbBCscale) |
virtual void | rpvSet (const DoubleVector ¶meters) |
virtual void | methodBoundaryCondition (const DoubleVector &pars) |
void | isajetNumbers764 (double &mtopPole, double &mGPole, double &smu, double &mA, double &tanb, double &mq1l, double &mdr, double &mur, double &meL, double &meR, double &mql3, double &mdr3, double &mur3, double &mtauL, double &mtauR, double &at, double &ab, double &atau, double &mq2l, double &msr, double &mcr, double &mmuL, double &mmuR, double &m1, double &m2) const |
void | isajetInterface764 (const char fname[80]) const |
prints a file into fname which acts as an input to isajet More... | |
void | ssrunInterface764Inside (const char fname[80], fstream &) const |
void | ssrunInterface764 (const char fname[80], const char softfname[80]) const |
void | isawigInterface764 (const char fnamein[80], const char fnameout[80], const char fnamesoft[80]) const |
virtual void | lesHouchesAccordOutput (ostream &out, const char model[], const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, double qMax, int numPoints, bool ewsbBCscale) |
SUSY Les Houches accord for interfacing to Monte-Carlos, decay programs etc. More... | |
virtual void | setEwsbConditions (const DoubleVector &inputs) |
Again, another dummy - useful in alternative EWSB conditions sometimes. More... | |
void | headerSLHA (ostream &out) |
virtual void | spinfoSLHA (ostream &out) |
This does the SPINFO block of SLHA. | |
void | modselSLHA (ostream &out, const char model[]) |
This does the MODSEL block of SLHA. More... | |
void | sminputsSLHA (ostream &out) |
SMINPUTS block of SLHA. | |
void | minparSLHA (ostream &out, const char model[], const DoubleVector &pars, double tanb, int sgnMu, bool ewsbBCscale) |
MINPAR block of SLHA. More... | |
virtual void | extparSLHA (ostream &out, const DoubleVector &pars, bool ewsbBCscale) |
EXTPAR block of SLHA. | |
void | massSLHA (ostream &out) |
This does the job of the above method, but outputs the Mass block. More... | |
virtual void | higgsMSLHA (ostream &out) |
higgs part of mass block of SLHA | |
virtual void | neutralinoCharginoMSLHA (ostream &out) |
neutralino and charigno part of mass block of SLHA More... | |
virtual void | sfermionsSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermions part of mass block of SLHA | |
void | sfermionmixSLHA (ostream &out) |
hmix block output of SLHA | |
virtual void | neutralinoMixingSLHA (ostream &out) |
nmix block output of SLHA | |
void | inomixingSLHA (ostream &out) |
This does the job of the above method, but outputs the UMIX/VMIX blocks. More... | |
virtual void | softsusySLHA (ostream &out) |
SOFTSUSY comments in SLHA. | |
void | alphaSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermionic part of mixing blocks | |
virtual void | hmixSLHA (ostream &out) |
higgs part of mixing blocks | |
void | gaugeSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermionic part of mixing blocks | |
virtual void | yukawasSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermionic part of mixing blocks | |
virtual void | msoftSLHA (ostream &out) |
MSOFT block of SLHA. | |
virtual void | drbarSLHA (ostream &out, int numPoints, double qMax, int n) |
outputs DRbar parameters at scale Q (default is at MSUSY) More... | |
void | doUfb3 (double mgut) |
void | assignHiggs (DoubleVector &higgsm, DoubleVector &higgsc, DoubleVector &dnu, DoubleVector &dnd, DoubleVector &cn, double beta) const |
void | assignHiggs (DoubleVector &higgsm, DoubleVector &higgsc) const |
void | assignHiggsSfermions (DoubleVector &higgsm, DoubleVector &higgsc, DoubleVector &dnu, DoubleVector &dnd, DoubleVector &cn, double beta) const |
some switches due to BPMZ's different conventions More... | |
double | smPredictionMW () const |
checked 22/04/06 More... | |
double | twoLoopGm2 (double amu1Loop) const |
double | twoLpMt () const |
double | twoLpMb () const |
virtual void | doQuarkMixing (DoubleMatrix &mDon, DoubleMatrix &mUpq) |
input diagonal matrices and it'll give you back mixed ones More... | |
virtual MssmSusyRGE | guessAtSusyMt (double tanb, const QedQcd &oneset) |
![]() | |
MssmSusy () | |
MssmSusy (const MssmSusy &) | |
Constructor sets object to be equal to another. | |
MssmSusy (const DoubleMatrix &u, const DoubleMatrix &d, const DoubleMatrix &e, const DoubleVector &v, double m, double tb, double h, int mix) | |
const MssmSusy & | operator= (const MssmSusy &s) |
Default destructor. More... | |
void | setMssmSusy (const MssmSusy &s) |
sets object to be equal to another | |
void | setMssmLoops (double l) |
void | setHvev (double h) |
Sets DRbar running Higgs vev. | |
void | setSomePars (const MssmSusy &s) |
Copies Yukawa matrices and gauge couplings from s only. | |
void | setYukawaElement (yukawa, int, int, double) |
Sets one element of a Yukawa matrix. | |
void | setYukawaMatrix (yukawa, const DoubleMatrix &) |
Sets whole Yukawa matrix. | |
void | setGaugeCoupling (int, double) |
Set a single gauge coupling. | |
void | setAllGauge (const DoubleVector &) |
Set all gauge couplings. | |
void | setSusyMu (double) |
Sets superpotential mu parameter. | |
void | setTanb (double) |
Sets tan beta. | |
void | setMssmApprox (int l, int t) |
Set loops/thresholds. | |
void | setMssmApprox (const Approx &a) |
void | set (const DoubleVector &) |
void | set (const DoubleVector &, int &k) |
void | setMixing (double mix) |
Sets quark mixing parameter. | |
int | displayMssmLoops () const |
double | displayHvev () const |
Returns DRbar running Higgs vev. | |
const MssmSusy & | displayMssmSusy () const |
Returns whole object as a const. | |
double | displayYukawaElement (yukawa, int, int) const |
Returns a single Yukawa matrix element. | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displayYukawaMatrix (yukawa) const |
Returns a whole Yukawa matrix. | |
double | displayGaugeCoupling (int) const |
Returns a single gauge coupling. | |
DoubleVector | displayGauge () const |
Returns all gauge couplings. | |
double | displaySusyMu () const |
Returns superpotential mu parameter. | |
double | displayTanb () const |
Returns tan beta. | |
Approx | displayMssmApprox () const |
const DoubleVector | display () const |
int | displayMixing () const |
Returns quark mixing parameter. | |
void | getMasses (QedQcd &r, double vev) const |
void | quarkMixing (const DoubleMatrix &CKM, int mix) |
void | setDiagYukawas (const QedQcd &, double vev) |
void | getQuarkMixedYukawas (const QedQcd &r, const DoubleMatrix &CKM, int mix, double vev) |
void | diagQuarkBasis (DoubleMatrix &vdl, DoubleMatrix &vdr, DoubleMatrix &vul, DoubleMatrix &vur) const |
MssmSusy | beta (sBrevity &) const |
void | getOneLpAnom (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gDD, DoubleMatrix &gUU, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, sBrevity &a) const |
void | getTwoLpAnom (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gDD, DoubleMatrix &gUU, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, sBrevity &a) const |
void | getThreeLpAnom (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gDD, DoubleMatrix &gUU, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, sBrevity &a) const |
By Bednyakov, see arXiv:1009.5455. More... | |
void | anomalousDimension (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gUU, DoubleMatrix &gDD, DoubleVector &dg, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, sBrevity &a) const |
![]() | |
MssmSoftPars () | |
Default constructor fills object with zeroes. | |
MssmSoftPars (const MssmSoftPars &) | |
Constructor sets all parameters equal to those in another object. More... | |
const MssmSoftPars & | operator= (const MssmSoftPars &s) |
Sets all parameters equal to those in another object. | |
MssmSoftPars (const DoubleVector &mG, const DoubleMatrix &aU, const DoubleMatrix &aD, const DoubleMatrix &aE, const DoubleMatrix &mQl, const DoubleMatrix &mUr, const DoubleMatrix &mDr, const DoubleMatrix &mLl, const DoubleMatrix &mEr, double m3sq, double mH1sq, double mH2sq, double mGravitino) | |
const MssmSoftPars & | displayMssmSoftPars () const |
Returns whole object as a const. | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displayTrilinear (trilinears) const |
Return a trilinear coupling matrix. | |
double | displayTrilinear (trilinears, int i, int j) const |
Return a trilinear element. | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displaySoftMassSquared (softMasses) const |
Return a soft mass squared matrix. | |
double | displaySoftMassSquared (softMasses, int i, int j) const |
Return a soft mass squared element. | |
double | displayGravitino () const |
Returns the gravitino mass. | |
double | displayM3Squared () const |
Return \( m_3^2\). | |
double | displayMh1Squared () const |
Return \(m_{H_1}^2\). | |
double | displayMh2Squared () const |
Return \(m_{H_2}^2\)=mH2sq. | |
DoubleVector | displayGaugino () const |
Return \(M_{G_i}\). | |
double | displayGaugino (int i) const |
void | display (DoubleVector &v, int &k) const |
const DoubleVector | display2 () const |
void | setM32 (double) |
Sets gravitino mass. | |
void | setSoftPars (MssmSoftPars const &) |
Sets whole thing equal to another object. | |
void | setSoftMassElement (softMasses, int, int, double) |
Set one element of a soft mass squared matrix. | |
void | setSoftMassMatrix (softMasses, const DoubleMatrix &) |
Set whole of a soft mass squared matrix. | |
void | setTrilinearMatrix (trilinears, const DoubleMatrix &) |
Set whole of a trilinear SUSY breaking parameter matrix. | |
void | setTrilinearElement (trilinears k, int i, int j, double a) |
Set one element of a trilinear SUSY breaking parameter matrix. | |
void | setGauginoMass (int, double) |
Set one gaugino mass. | |
void | setAllGauginos (const DoubleVector &) |
Set all gaugino masses. | |
void | setM3Squared (double) |
Sets \( m_3^2\). | |
void | setMh1Squared (double) |
Sets \( m_{H_1}^2\). | |
void | setMh2Squared (double) |
void | set (const DoubleVector &y) |
Sets all SUSY breaking parameters only - not SUSY ones. | |
DoubleVector | beta (const MssmSusy &) const |
Returns double vector containing numerical beta functions of parameters. | |
MssmSoftPars | beta2 (const MssmSusy &xx) const |
Returns numerical beta functions of parameters | |
MssmSoftPars | beta2 (const MssmSusy &xx, sBrevity &a) const |
Returns numerical beta functions of parameters and Brevity. More... | |
void | anomalousDeriv (const MssmSusy &xx, DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gUU, DoubleMatrix &gDD, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2) const |
void | yTildes (const MssmSusy &xx, DoubleMatrix &yu, DoubleMatrix &yd, DoubleMatrix &ye) const |
Ytilde quantities are for calculational brevity in beta functions. | |
void | u1R_PQflip (MssmSusy &s) |
void | universal (MssmSusy &s, double m0, double m12, double a0, double mu, double m3sq) |
void | addAmsb (const MssmSusy &, double m32) |
void | universalTrilinears (const MssmSusy &a, double a0) |
Sets all SUSY breaking trilinear couplings to a0. | |
void | minimalGmsb (const MssmSusy &xx, int n5, double LAMBDA, double mMess, double cgrav) |
void | standardSugra (const MssmSusy &xx, double m0, double m12, double a0) |
Reads in universal boundary conditions at the current scale: m0, M1/2, A0. | |
void | universalScalars (double m0) |
Sets all flavour-diagonal SUSY breaking scalar masses to m0. | |
void | universalGauginos (double m12) |
Sets all flavour-diagonal SUSY breaking gaugino masses to m12. | |
void | inputSoftParsOnly () |
Reads in soft SUSY breaking parameters from a file. | |
![]() | |
void | setAltEwsb (double ma, double mu) |
void | setAltEwsbMssm (const AltEwsbMssm &s) |
double | displayMaCond () const |
double | displayMuCond () const |
const AltEwsbMssm & | displayAltEwsbMssm () const |
void | setMaCond (double maInput) |
void | setMuCond (double muInput) |
![]() | |
const Approx & | displayApprox () const |
const Approx & | operator= (const Approx &) |
Approx (const Approx &a) | |
Approx (int l, int t) | |
void | setLoops (int l) |
Set number of loops used. | |
void | setThresholds (int t) |
int | displayLoops () const |
Return number of loops. | |
int | displayThresholds () const |
Return level of threshold approximation. | |
![]() | |
RGE () | |
Default constructor fills data with zeroes. | |
void | setMu (double e) |
Sets renormalisation scale to e. | |
virtual void | setmu (double f) |
void | setPars (int i) |
Set number of parameters in RGE object. | |
double | displayMu () const |
Return renomalisation scale. | |
int | howMany () const |
Return number of parameters. | |
const RGE & | displayRGE () const |
virtual int | run (double from, double to, double eps=-1.0) |
Runs parameters from scale "from" to "to, eps is fractional accuracy. | |
virtual int | runto (double to, double eps=-1.0) |
Runs parameters to scale "to", eps is accuracy. | |
int | callRK (double x1, double x2, DoubleVector &v, DoubleVector(*derivs)(double, const DoubleVector &), double eps=-1.0) |
Public Attributes | |
int | included_thresholds |
Flag allowing to choose which two-loop thresholds have to be included. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | setT1OV1Ms (double t1) |
void | setT2OV2Ms (double t2) |
void | setT1OV1Ms1loop (double t1) |
void | setT2OV2Ms1loop (double t2) |
void | check_flags () |
check consistency of threshold flags More... | |
DoubleMatrix | calcHiggs3L (bool is_bottom) |
Higgs 3L corrections. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
double | mxBC |
Scale at which SUSY breaking boundary conditions set. | |
Contains all supersymmetric MSSM parameters, incorporating R_p MSSM.
softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::MssmSoftsusy | ( | const MssmSusy & | ss, |
const MssmSoftPars & | s, | ||
const sPhysical & | sp, | ||
double | mu, | ||
int | l, | ||
int | t, | ||
double | hv | ||
) |
Sets all parameters from s, sp, mu is the mu superpotential parameter, l is the number of loops used for RG evolution, t is the thresholds accuracy parameter, mg is the gravitino mass, hv is the Higgs VEV parameter.
virtual |
Fills sigmaL, sigmaR and sigmaS with Gauge parts of the charginos loop corrections.
checked and corrected
checked and corrected 4/10/12
virtual |
Fills sigmaL, sigmaR and sigmaS with Higgs parts of the charginos loop corrections.
checked and corrected
checked this block
checked and corrected 2/12/08
end of correction 2/12/08
checked and corrected
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Fills sigmaL, sigmaR and sigmaS with sfermion parts of the charginos loop corrections.
basis is (psi1+ psi2+, L R)
mix 3rd generation sfermions
virtual |
Adds the loop corrections on to an input tree-level chargino mass.
double p = sqrt(forLoops.mchBpmz(1) * forLoops.mchBpmz(2));
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addNeutLoopGauge | ( | double | p, |
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaL, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaR, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaS | ||
) |
LCT: Adds gauge loop corrections to neutralino mass matrix. IO parameters: p=external momentum, {sigmaL,sigmaR,sigmaS}= 4x4 matrices of {left,right,scalar} corrections
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addNeutLoopHiggs | ( | double | p, |
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaL, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaR, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaS | ||
) |
LCT: Adds Higgs loop corrections to neutralino mass matrix. IO parameters: p=external momentum, {sigmaL,sigmaR,sigmaS}= 4x4 matrices of {left,right,scalar} corrections
checked this block
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addNeutLoopSfermion | ( | double | p, |
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaL, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaR, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sigmaS | ||
) |
LCT: Adds sfermion loop corrections to neutralino mass matrix. IO parameters: p=external momentum, {sigmaL,sigmaR,sigmaS}= 4x4 matrices of {left,right,scalar} corrections
mix up the third family sfermions
virtual |
Adds the loop corrections on to an input tree-level neutralino mass.
LCT: Sfermion contribution
LCT: Gauge contributions
LCT: Higgs contribution
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSbotChargino | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | chargino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop chargino corrections to sbottom mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs chargino=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
Chargino Feynman Rules
virtual |
Checked 16.08.2005.
Adds one-loop corrections to sbottom mass matrix at p=root(mb1 mb2) IO parameters: p=external momentum scale, mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mt=DR bar top mass
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
one-loop correction matrix
Self-energy matrix
LCT: Strong contributions
LCT: Stop, sbottom and stau contributions
LCT: Higgs contribution
LCT: Electroweak contribution
LCT: Chargino contribution
LCT: Neutralino contribution
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSbotEweak | ( | double | p, |
DoubleMatrix & | electroweak | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop electroweak corrections to sbottom mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs electroweak=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSbotHiggs | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | higgs | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop Higgs corrections to sbottom mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, mt=DR bar top mass, outputs higgs=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
define Higgs vector in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
Order (s1 s2 G A, L R)
Mix sbots up
Mix CP-even Higgses up
i is the s1/s2 label
Charged Higgs Feynman rules (H+ G+, L R) basis
(H+ G+, L R) basis
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSbotNeutralino | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | neutralino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop neutralino corrections to sbottom mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs neutralino=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
Neutralino Feynman rules
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSbotQCD | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | strong | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop strong corrections to sbottom mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, mt=DR bar top mass, outputs strong=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSbotSfermion | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | stop, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sbottom | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop stop, sbottom and stau corrections to sbottom mass matrix. IO parameters: p=external momentum, mt=DR bar top mass, outputs {stop,sbottom}=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSdownChargino | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | chargino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop chargino corrections to sdown mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs chargino=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
Chargino Feynman Rules
virtual |
Adds one-loop corrections to sbottom mass matrix at p=root(mb1 mb2) IO parameters: mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mt=DR bar top mass
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
Self-energy matrix
p1 = p2 = sqrt(msd(1) * msd(2));
LCT: QCD contribution
LCT: Higgs contribution
LCT: Electroweak contribution
LCT: Chargino contribution
LCT: Neutralino contribution
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSdownEweak | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | electroweak | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop electroweak corrections to sdown mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs electroweak=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSdownHiggs | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | higgs | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop Higgs corrections to sdown mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs higgs=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
define Higgs vector in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
Order (s1 s2 G A, L R)
Mix sbots up
Mix CP-even Higgses up
i is the L/R label
Charged Higgs Feynman rules
(H+ G+, L R) basis
(none for sdownL since they are all Yukawa suppressed)
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSdownNeutralino | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | neutralino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop neutralino corrections to sdown mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs neutralino=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
Neutralino Feynman rules
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSdownQCD | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | strong | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop strong corrections to sdown mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs strong=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSlepCorrection | ( | double | p, |
DoubleMatrix & | mass, | ||
int | family | ||
) |
This is a special version that I've added to correct lower families' mixings too
virtual |
16.09.05 checked.
Adds one-loop corrections to sel_fam mass matrix at p=root(msel1 msel2) IO parameters: mass=tree level mass on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mt=DR bar top mass
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
one-loop correction matrix
Self-energy matrix
double p = sqrt(msel(1) * msel(2));
LCT: Higgs contribution
LCT: Electroweak contribution
LCT: Chargino and neutralino contribution
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSlepEweak | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | electroweak | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop electroweak corrections to slepton self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, family=generation, outputs electroweak=2x2 matrix of self-energies
LCT: EW contributions
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSlepGaugino | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | chargino, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | neutralino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop gaugino corrections to slepton self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, family=generation, outputs {chargino,neutralino}=2x2 matrix of self-energies
Neutralino Feynman rules
Chargino Feynman Rules
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSlepHiggs | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | higgs | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop Higgs corrections to slepton self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, family=generation, outputs higgs=2x2 matrix of self-energies
Define Higgs vector of masses in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
stau now stands for generation 1 or 2
Order (s1 s2 G A, L R)
Mix CP-even Higgses up
i is the s1/s2 label
Charged Higgs Feynman rules
(H+ G+, L R) basis
virtual |
Found+fixed bug 7/09/06. Thanks to J Kersten.
Adds one-loop corrections to sneutrino mass of family "family" IO parameters: mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
one-loop correction matrix
LCT: Higg contribution
LCT: Electroweak contributions
LCT: Gaugino contributions
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSnuEweak | ( | double | p, |
int | family, | ||
double & | electroweak | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop electroweak corrections to sneutrino self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, family=generation, outputs electroweak=self-energy
LCT: EW contributions
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSnuGaugino | ( | double | p, |
int | family, | ||
double & | chargino, | ||
double & | neutralino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop gaugino corrections to sneutrino self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs {chargino,neutralino}=self-energy
Neutralino Feynman rules
Chargino Feynman Rules
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSnuHiggs | ( | double | p, |
int | family, | ||
double & | higgs | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop Higgs corrections to sneutrino self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, family=generation, outputs higgs=self-energy
Define Higgs vector of masses in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
Order (s1 s2 G A, L R)
Mix CP-even Higgses up
Charged Higgs Feynman rules
(H+ G+, L R) basis
virtual |
Adds one-loop corrections to tau sneutrino mass IO parameters: p=external momentum, mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mt=DR bar top mass
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
one-loop correction matrix
LCT: Sfermion contribution
LCT: Higgs contribution
LCT: Electroweak contribution
LCT: Gaugino contributions
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSnuTauEweak | ( | double | p, |
double & | electroweak | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop electroweak corrections to tau sneutrino self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs electroweak=self-energy
EW bosons
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSnuTauGaugino | ( | double | p, |
double & | chargino, | ||
double & | neutralino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop gaugino corrections to tau sneutrino self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs {chargino,neutralino}=self-energy
Neutralino Feynman rules
Chargino Feynman Rules
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSnuTauHiggs | ( | double | p, |
double & | higgs | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop Higgs corrections to tau sneutrino self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs higgs=self-energy
Define Higgs vector of masses in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
Order (s1 s2 G A, L R)
Mix CP-even Higgses up
Charged Higgs Feynman rules
(H+ G+, L R) basis
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSnuTauSfermion | ( | double | p, |
double & | stop, | ||
double & | sbottom | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop sfermion corrections to tau sneutrino self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs {stop,sbottom}=self-energy
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSquarkCorrection | ( | DoubleMatrix & | mass | ) |
Now these are calculated at the squark scale.
Adds approximate one-loop corrections to squark mass matrix for first two families. IO parameters: mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
virtual |
Adds one-loop corrections to stau mass matrix at p=root(mtau1 mtau2) IO parameters: mass=tree level mass on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mt=DR bar top mass
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
one-loop correction matrix
LCT: Sfermion contribution
LCT: Higgs contributions
LCT: Electroweak contribution
LCT: Chargino and neutralino contributions
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStauEweak | ( | double | p, |
double | mtau, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | electroweak | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop gaugino corrections to stau self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, mtau=DR bar tau mass, outputs {chargino,neutralino}=2x2 matrix of self-energies
LCT: EW contributions
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStauGaugino | ( | double | p, |
double | mtau, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | chargino, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | neutralino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop Higgs corrections to stau self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, mtau=DR bar tau mass, outputs higgs=2x2 matrix of self-energies
Neutralino Feynman rules
Chargino Feynman Rules
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStauHiggs | ( | double | p, |
double | mtau, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | higgs | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop electroweak corrections to stau self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, mtau=DR bar tau mass, outputs electroweak=2x2 matrix of self-energies
Define Higgs vector of masses in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
Order (s1 s2 G A, L R)
Mix staus up
Mix CP-even Higgses up
i is the s1/s2 label
Charged Higgs Feynman rules
(H+ G+, L R) basis
(H+ G+, L R) basis
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStauSfermion | ( | double | p, |
double | mtau, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | stop, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sbottom | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop sfermion corrections to stau self energy IO parameters: p=external momentum, mtau=DR bar tau mass, outputs {stop,sbottom}=2x2 matrix of self-energies
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStopChargino | ( | double | p, |
DoubleMatrix & | chargino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop chargino corrections to stop mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs chargino=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
Chargino Feynman Rules
LCT: Define mixing matrices and mass vector
virtual |
As in BPMZ appendix.
Adds one-loop corrections to stop mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mt=DR bar top mass
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
one-loop correction matrix
Self-energy matrix
Corrections themselves start here
LCT: Corrections from strong interactions
LCT: Corrections from stops
LCT: Corrections from sbottoms
LCT: Corrections from Higgses
LCT: Electroweak corrections
LCT: Chargino contribution
LCT: Neutralino contribution
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStopEweak | ( | double | p, |
DoubleMatrix & | electroweak | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop electroweak corrections to stop mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, mt=DR bar top mass, outputs electroweak=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
DRbar value of e
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStopHiggs | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | higgs | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop Higgs corrections to stop mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, mt=DR bar top mass, outputs higgs=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
define Higgs vector in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
Higgs-sfermion-sfermion couplings
LCT: CP-{even,odd}-sfermion-sfermion Feynman rules Order (s1 s2 G A, L R)
Mix stops up
Mix CP-even Higgses up
i is the s1/s2 label
Charged Higgs Feynman rules (H+ G+, L R) basis
LCT: Rotate sfermions to (1, 2) mass basis
LCT: Rotate sfermions to (1, 2) mass basis
LCT: Contributions start here
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStopNeutralino | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | neutralino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop neutralino corrections to stop mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, outputs neutralino=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
Neutralino Feynman rules
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStopQCD | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | strong | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop strong corrections to stop mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, mt=DR bar top mass, outputs strong=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStopSbottom | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | sbottom | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop sbottom corrections to stop mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, mt=DR bar top mass, outputs sbottom=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addStopStop | ( | double | p, |
double | mt, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | stop | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop stop corrections to stop mass matrix IO parameters: p=external momentum, mt=DR bar top mass, outputs stop=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSupChargino | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | chargino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop chargino corrections to sup mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs chargino=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
Chargino Feynman Rules LCT: Here stop <==> sup and sbot <==> sdown
virtual |
As in BPMZ appendix, INCLUDING weak boson loops.
Adds one-loop corrections to sup mass matrix at p=root(msup1 msup2) IO parameters: mass=tree level mass on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mt=DR bar top mass
No point adding radiative corrections to tachyonic particles
one-loop correction matrix
Self-energy matrix
LCT: QCD contribution
LCT: Higgs contribution
LCT: Weak contribution
LCT: Chargino contribution
LCT: Neutralino contribution
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSupEweak | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | electroweak | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop electroweak corrections to sup mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs electroweak=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
DRbar value of e
EW bosons
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSupHiggs | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | higgs | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop Higgs corrections to sup mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs higgs=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
define Higgs vector in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
top now stands for up
Order (s1 s2 G A, L R)
Mix stops up
Mix CP-even Higgses up
i is the s1/s2 label
Charged Higgs Feynman rules (H+ G+, L R) basis
(H+ G+, L R) basis
LCT: Contributions start here
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSupNeutralino | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | neutralino | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop neutralino corrections to sup mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs neutralino=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
Neutralino Feynman rules
DoubleMatrix softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::addSupQCD | ( | double | p1, |
double | p2, | ||
int | family, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | strong | ||
) |
LCT: Adds one-loop strong corrections to sup mass matrix IO parameters: {p1,p2}=external momentum, outputs strong=2x2 matrix of self-energies in LR basis
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::alternativeEwsb | ( | double | mt | ) |
Fixes mH1^2 and mH2^2 in order to get muCond and mAcond correct.
two-loop Higgs corrections
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::assignHiggs | ( | DoubleVector & | higgsm, |
DoubleVector & | higgsc | ||
) | const |
Utility function: sets Higgs masses of neutral Higgs' (higgsm) and charged (higgsc). They should be of dimension 4 and 2 respectively.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::assignHiggs | ( | DoubleVector & | higgsm, |
DoubleVector & | higgsc, | ||
DoubleVector & | dnu, | ||
DoubleVector & | dnd, | ||
DoubleVector & | cn, | ||
double | beta | ||
) | const |
Utility function: sets Higgs masses of neutral Higgs' (higgsm) and charged (higgsc). They should be of dimension 4 and 2 respectively. Also sets couplings dnu(4), dnd(4) and cn(4). beta is from tan beta.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::assignHiggsSfermions | ( | DoubleVector & | higgsm, |
DoubleVector & | higgsc, | ||
DoubleVector & | dnu, | ||
DoubleVector & | dnd, | ||
DoubleVector & | cn, | ||
double | beta | ||
) | const |
some switches due to BPMZ's different conventions
Utility function: sets Higgs masses of neutral Higgs' (higgsm) and charged (higgsc) constributions for sfermions. They should be of dimension 4 and 2 respectively. Also sets couplings dnu(4), dnd(4) and cn(4). beta is from tan beta.
swap ordering of charged Higgs' for sfermions due to BPMZ conventions
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::calcDrBarHiggs | ( | double | beta, |
double | mz2, | ||
double | mw2, | ||
double | sinthDRbar, | ||
drBarPars & | eg | ||
) |
Gone badly off-track
What if the tree-level A^0 appears to be tachyonic?
If it's only at MZ, the point may be OK: here, we may use the pole mass in loops, if necessary
physical value
If, after using the pole mass or whatever, we still have a problem, we must flag a tachyon and do something to stop a proliferation of NANs
< could cause a convergence problem
virtual |
Organises tree-level calculation of all sparticle masses and mixings.
calculates masses all at tree-level in the DRbar scheme, useful for radiative corrections.
We want to set mu to be the one obtained from the tree-level Higgs potential for these purposes
First, must define mstop,sbot,stau and mixing angles in DRbar scheme
Restore the proper loop corrected value for mu
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy, and softsusy::FlavourMssmSoftsusy.
protected |
Higgs 3L corrections.
calculates 3-loop corrections to CP-even Higgs mass in the MSSM using Himalaya
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::calcHiggsAtScale | ( | int | accuracy, |
double & | mt, | ||
double & | sinthDRbar, | ||
double & | piwwtMS, | ||
double & | pizztMS, | ||
double | q = 0. |
) |
Calculates Higgs masses at a renormalisation scale q. If q=0, the standard SUSY scale is used.
Higgs: potentially at a different scale
Re-calculate the 1-loop tadpoles for the calculation if a different renormalisation scale is required
Iterate Higgs calculation (unless accuracy=0, in which case we just need a rough calculation) until the Higgs masses all converge to better than TOLERANCE fractional accuracy
If Higgs masses have been input, switch pole masses to these instead
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::calcMs | ( | ) | const |
DRbar pars should be defined already for this.
Calculates the best scale at which to do symmetry breaking: \( M_{SUSY}=\sqrt{m_{{\tilde t}_1 {\tilde t}_2}} \). Should only be called after calcDrBarPars.
virtual |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop neutralino-suqrk corrections.
functions of couplings needed for loops
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Mass eignebasis of charginos
checked charginos
virtual |
functions of couplings needed for loops
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop Neutralino corrections.
functions of couplings needed for loops
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop and 2-loop QCD corrections.
1 loop QCD only – DRbar 10% correction
virtual |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop stop-Gluino corrections.
stop/gluino correction 6% correction
virtual |
Applies approximate 1-loop SUSY corrections to mb(MZ) in order to return the DRbar running value
This boundary condition needs to be set at the relevant scale
First convert mbSM5 into DRbar value from hep-ph/9703293,0207126,9701308 (SM gauge boson contributions)
it's NOT clear if this resummation is reliable in the full 1-loop scheme but it's at least valid to 1 loop. Warning though: if you add higher loops, you'll have to re-arrange.
virtual |
Applies 1-loop SUSY and 2-loop QCD corrections to pole mt in order to return the DRbar running value at the current scale
Formulae from hep-ph/9801365: checked but should be checked again! Implicitly calculates at the current scale.
stop/gluino correction 6% correction
rest are extra bits from Matchev et al: 2% corrections
Higgs contribution
Neutralino contribution
default without the higher order corrections: ordinary SQCD
2 loop QCD: hep-ph/0210258 – debugged 15-6-03
virtual |
Full BPMZ expression.
Applies 1-loop SUSY corrections to pole mtau in order to return the DRbar running value at the current scale
MSbar value
conversion to DRbar
Chargino contribution
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::calcSinthdrbar | ( | ) | const |
Calculates DRbar sin theta_w at the current scale from gauge couplings.
Calculates sin theta at the current scale.
virtual |
Calculates and sets the one-loop pieces of \( t_1 / v_1 \): sets both 1-loop and total pieces equal to the one-loop piece
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates then sets the one-loop pieces of \( t_2 / v_2 \): sets both 1-loop and total pieces equal to the one-loop piece
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates pole chargino masses and mixing using approximate 1-loop SUSY corrections. IO parameters: piwwt is the W self-energy at the current, accuracy is the number of loops required (0 or 1 currently)
tree level mass matrix
You should take the sign of the chargino mass to be the same as got from the chargino_1 determination. Otherwise, if there's a difference, this will screw things up...
protected |
check consistency of threshold flags
Check that threshold correction loop orders are consistent with Higgs mass loop order
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::deltaEW | ( | ) | const |
Returns fine-tuning as defined in Baer et al arXiv:1212.2655 eq 1.2.
In order, cHu, cHd, cMu, cSigmaHu, cSigmaHd
virtual |
outrho, outsin represent the DRbar values
Calculates delta_v corrections for outrho=DRbar rho parameter, outsin=DRbar sin theta_w, alphaDRbar=alpha(Q) in the DR bar scheme, pizztMZ=self-energy of the Z at MZ
Fixed by Ben 19/4/16
const drBarPars & softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::displayDrBarPars | ( | ) | const |
Displays tree-level masses and mixings of sparticles and third generation fermions
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::displayMw | ( | ) | const |
Returns predicted pole MW
softsusy::sPhysical softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::displayPhysUncertainty | ( | TMSSMBoundaryCondition | bc, |
double | mxGuess, | ||
const DoubleVector & | pars, | ||
int | sgnMu, | ||
double | tanb, | ||
const QedQcd & | oneset, | ||
bool | gaugeUnification, | ||
bool | ewsbBCscale = false , |
int | contributions = DeltaAll |
) | const |
Displays uncertainty estimate of pole masses.
Calculates an uncertainty estimate of the pole masses from scale variation and changing of couplings by higher orders The first parameters are the same as in fixedPointIteration(). The last parameter determines the sources of uncertainty taken into account.
vary Q_pole
vary Q_match
vary alpha_em
softsusy::sPhysical softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::displayPhysUncertaintyScaleVariation | ( | ) | const |
Displays uncertainty estimate of pole masses by scale variation only.
calculates an uncertainty estimate of the pole masses from scale variation only
inline |
Returns object as a const.
displays M_X value
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::doCalcTad1fermions | ( | double | q, |
double | v1 | ||
) | const |
fixes trilnear H1-fermion-fermion couplings
bottom quark and tau, ignore others - factor (10^-2)^3 down I have included the bottom pole mass in the propagators and the Yukawa for the coupling, hence BPMZ's hb is written mb * root2 / v1
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::doCalcTad1Sfermions | ( | DoubleMatrix | lTS1Lr, |
DoubleMatrix | lBS1Lr, | ||
DoubleMatrix | lTauS1Lr, | ||
double | costhDRbar | ||
) | const |
routine to calculate sfermiom contributions to H1 tadpole / v1
PA: routine to calculate sfermiom contributions to (16 \pi^2) t1 / v1.
sneutrino coupling
stop, sbottom, stau couplings
third generation squarks
third generation sleptons
first two families of squarks
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::doCalcTad2fermions | ( | double | q | ) | const |
fixes trilnear H2-fermion-fermion couplings
top quark, ignore others - factor (10^-2)^3 down
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::doCalcTad2GaugeBosons | ( | double | q, |
double | costhDRbar2, | ||
double | g, | ||
double | tanb | ||
) | const |
Weak bosons
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::doCalcTad2Higgs | ( | double | q, |
double | costhDRbar2, | ||
double | g, | ||
double | tanb | ||
) | const |
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::doCalcTad2Sfermions | ( | DoubleMatrix | lTS2Lr, |
DoubleMatrix | lBS2Lr, | ||
DoubleMatrix | lTauS2Lr, | ||
double | costhDRbar | ||
) | const |
routine to calculate sfermiom contributions to (16 \pi^2) t1 / v1
PA: routine to calculate sfermiom contributions to (16 \pi^2) t1 / v1.
sneutrino coupling
third generation squarks
third generation sleptons
virtual |
Does the calculation of one-loop pieces of \( t_1 / v_1 \).
From hep-ph/9606211's appendix. It should be done at MSusy to minimize the 1-loop contributions. Only call if you've calculated drbarpars. inputs are running top/bottom masses: call at MSusy only
PA: stop, sbottom, stau, couplings in the left right basis
Weak bosons
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvNeutrino.
virtual |
Does the calculation of one-loop pieces of \( t_2 / v_2 \).
From hep-ph/9311269's appendix. It should be done at MSusy to minimize the 1-loop contributions. Only call if you've calculated physpars inputs are running top/bottom masses. Call at MSusy
Sfermion couplings
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvNeutrino.
virtual |
Organises calculation of all slepton masses. IO parameters: mT=DRbar tau mass, pizztMS=Z self energy at Q=M_SUSY, sinthDRbarMS=DRbar value of sin theta_w, accuracy=0,1: number of loops to add to tree-level squark mass matrix
no mixing assuming for first two families
do third family
twisted measures the ordering of the sbottom masses. If mstop1 > mstop2, twisted is defined to be true (mstop2 > mstop1 is defined "untwisted").
Reimplemented in softsusy::FlavourMssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Organises calculation of all down squark masses. IO parameters: mb=DRbar bottom mass, pizztMS=Z self energy at Q=M_SUSY, sinthDRbarMS=DRbar value of sin theta_w, accuracy=0,1: number of loops to add to tree-level squark mass matrix
start 3rd family computation: more complicated!
tree-level matrices
The ordering and the mixing angle is defined by the following matrix, with the LIGHT sbottom as the external momentum
Check for tachyonic sbottoms
twisted measures the ordering of the sbottom masses. If msbot1 > msbot2, twisted is defined to be true (msbot2 > msbot1 is defined "untwisted").
Reimplemented in softsusy::FlavourMssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
input diagonal matrices and it'll give you back mixed ones
Input diagonal mass matrices and it'll give you back mixed ones, based on the CKM quark mixing matrix you supplied in vCkm. The idea is that MssmSoftsusy objects are UNmixed. Therefore this method does nothing. Derived objects may have mixing implemented
This is a dummy routine - mixing is ignored in this object (it's all done in FLAVOURMSSMSOFTSUSY these days).
Reimplemented in softsusy::FlavourMssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Organises calculation of all sneutrino masses, pizztMS=Z self energy at Q=M_SUSY
Reimplemented in softsusy::FlavourMssmSoftsusy.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::doTadpoles | ( | double | mt, |
double | sinthDRbar | ||
) |
Does the full 2-loop calculation of both tadpoles and sets them.
tachyons tend to screw up this, so only calculate if we don't have them
add the two-loop terms, prepare inputs
two-loop Higgs corrections: alpha_s alpha_b
end of 2-loop bit
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::doUfb3 | ( | double | mgut | ) |
Sets the minimum of potential to be the difference between the UFB-3 direction minimum and the standard EW breaking minimum. mgut is obviously the high-scale at which boundary conditions are employed
virtual |
Organises calculation of all up squark masses. IO parameters: mt=DRbar top mass, pizztMS=Z self energy at Q=M_SUSY, sinthDRbarMS=DRbar value of sin theta_w, accuracy=0,1: number of loops to add to tree-level squark mass matrix
first two families are simpler
StopSquared2 is now tree-level
one loop corrections
theta is calculated at p=mstop1
twisted measures the ordering of the sbottom masses. If mstop1 > mstop2, twisted is defined to be true (mstop2 > mstop1 is defined "untwisted").
Reimplemented in softsusy::FlavourMssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates delta r corrections for outrho=DRbar rho parameter, outsin=DRbar sin theta_w, alphaDRbar=alpha(Q) in the DR bar scheme, pizztMZ=self-energy of the Z at p=MZ, pizzt0=self-energy of the W at p=0
2 loop SM contribution
Dominant two-loop SM term
new calculation from 1411.7040
virtual |
outputs DRbar parameters at scale Q (default is at MSUSY)
Starting non-essential information. The following decides what scale to output the running parameters at. It depends upon what qMax is and how many points the user has requested. For qMax = 0 and 1 point (defaults), Q=MSUSY is printed out. For qMax = 0 and n points, points are spaced logarithmically between MZ and MSUSY. For qMax != 0 and 1 point, Q=qMax is printed. For qMax != 0 and n points, points are log spaced between MZ and qMax.
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates delta rho corrections for outrho=DRbar rho parameter, outsin=DRbar sin theta_w, alphaDRbar=alpha(Q) in the DR bar scheme, pizztMZ=self-energy of the Z at MZ, piwwtMW=self-energy of the W at p=MW
2 loop SM contribution
This is the expression for the 2-loop SM corrections from 1411.7040 at MZ in rxi=1 gauge
bug-fixed 24.08.2002
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::ewsbCondition1TreeLevel | ( | ) | const |
DH: returns the values of the tree-level EWSB conditions.
DH: return the values of the EWSB conditions.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::ewsbConditions | ( | DoubleVector & | values | ) | const |
DH: returns the EWSB conditions at the current EWSB loop order. Note that this uses the current values of the tadpoles, i.e. it does not calculate or recalculate them.
DH: returns the values of the EWSB conditions for the given values of the VEVs
DoubleVector softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::fineTune | ( | void(*)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &) | boundaryCondition, |
const DoubleVector & | bcPars, | ||
double | MX, | ||
bool | doTop = false |
) |
Pass it an object and it'll return the fine tuning parameters.
Calculates fine-tuning for soft parameters and mu, m_3^2, top Yukawa. IO parameters: bcPars should be a vector giving the high-scale SUSY breaking boundary condition parameters, MX is the high-scale, boundaryCondition is the user-supplied function that sets the SUSY breaking BCs. If doTop is true, it also calculates the fine tuning associated with the top Yukawa coupling.
Stores running parameters in a vector
flag problem FT calculation with NaN...too inaccurate
Restore initial parameters at correct scale
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::fixedPointIteration | ( | TMSSMBoundaryCondition | boundaryCondition, |
double | mxGuess, | ||
const DoubleVector & | pars, | ||
int | sgnMu, | ||
double | tanb, | ||
const QedQcd & | oneset, | ||
bool | gaugeUnification, | ||
bool | ewsbBCscale = false |
) |
Driver calculation to determine all sparticle masses and parameters. Returns low energy softsusy object consistent with BC's m0 etc at MGUT. oneset should be at MZ and contains the SM data to fit the model to. If the running comes into difficulty, eg if a Landau pole is reached, it returns a ZERO object: no result is possible! Boundary condition is the theoretical condition on parameters at the high energy scale mx: the parameters themselves are contained within the vector. IO parameters: sgnMu is the desired sign of mu: + or - 1. If mu is 0, mu is set initially as a boundary condition. tanb = desired value of DR bar tan beta(MZ). boundaryCondition is the function which sets to SUSY BCs at the high scale, mxGuess is the GUT scale gaugeUnification=true if the user requests true gauge unification, in which case mxGuess is the first guess. Returns actual GUT scale. ewsbBCscale = false (or omitted) means that the boundary condition on SUSY breaking is set in the usual way. If it is true, the boundary condition is set to \(\sqrt{m_{{\tilde t}_1} m_{{\tilde t}_2}} \), ie like in the "pheno MSSM". Note that oneset should be at the scale at which QEDxQCD is matched to the MSSM.
Returns low energy softsusy object consistent with BC's m0 etc at MGUT. oneset should be at MZ and contains the SM data to fit the model to. If the running comes into difficulty, eg if a Landau pole is reached, it returns a ZERO object: no result is possible! Boundary condition is the theoretical condition on parameters at the high energy scale mx: the parameters themselves are contained within the vector.
Remember initial values
Always starts from an empty object
Here all was same
2 loops should protect against ht Landau pole
Initial guess: B=0,
got nonzero gauge here
inline |
Flags point where higher order corrections to higgs mass are potentially very large
inline |
Flags a negative-mass squared scalar (really a CCB problem)
Flags a negative-mass squared scalar at MZ (means that SOFTSUSY's output is somewhat inaccurate, but the point may still be OK)
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::getNeutPassarinoVeltman | ( | double | p, |
double | q, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | b0fn, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | b1fn | ||
) |
LCT: Returns matrix of Passarino-Veltman B0 and B1 functions.
LCT: h0
virtual |
LCT: Returns trilinear neutralino-chargino-hpm coupling in unrotated basis.
LCT: Returns neutralino-chargino-charged-Higgs trilinear couplings in weak basis
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::getVev | ( | double | pizzt | ) |
Input for this one (saves time, possibly) is to give the self-energy of the Z at the current scale
virtual |
Calculates pole gluino mass to 1-loop SUSY corrections.
One loop corrections to gluino pole mass: hep-ph/9606211 BUG fixed to use g3 at current scale 8.1.2001 Changed to resummed version 11.05.2001
SUSY QCD radiative correction (gluon/gluino)
Quark/squark correction
Third family mixing contribution: NB changed sign of these 4/6/10 Matchev says BPMZ may be wrong! Fixed again by dividing by M3 on 26/8/11 Corrected this incorrect "fix" 2/10/12
virtual |
Provides the first guess at a SUSY object at mt, inputting tanb and oneset (should be at MZ) - it's very crude, doesn't take radiative corrections into account etc. oneset provides low energy data and tanb=tan beta
Provides the first guess at a SUSY object at mt, inputting tanb and oneset (should be at MZ) - it's very crude, doesn't take radiative corrections into account etc.
This bit gives a guess at a SUSY object
Gauge couplings at mt
Yukawa couplings – at roughly tree level
Reimplemented in softsusy::FlavourMssmSoftsusy.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::headerSLHA | ( | ostream & | out | ) |
This does the job of the above method, but performs the header and CHANGES TO 8 SIG FIGS
bool softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::higgs | ( | int | accuracy, |
double | piwwt, | ||
double | pizzt | ||
) |
Calculates pole Higgs masses and mixings: full 1-loop SUSY corrections and 2-loop alpha_t (alpha_s + alpha_t) + alpha_s alpha_b effective potential corrections. IO parameters: piwwt is the W self-energy at M_SUSY, accuracy is number of loops (0 or 1) to use and pizzt is the Z self-energy at M_SUSY Returns "true" if there's a tachyon problem
< physical value
double mApole2 = sqr(mApole);
There'll be trouble if B has the opp sign to mu. This isn't really tree-level since it includes some one loops correrctions, namely tadpoles and Z loops
radiative corrections:
one-loop radiative corrections included in sigma
two-loop Higgs corrections: alpha_s alpha_b
< chooses DR-bar scheme from slavich et al
two-loop Higgs corrections: alpha_s alpha_t, alpha_s alpha_b and alpha_b^2, alpha_t*2, alpha_b alpha_t
In hep-ph/0406277 found the lambda_tau^2 and lambda_tau lambda_b corrections to be negligible. Have commented them here for calculational efficiency. Uncomment to see their effect.
DEBUG: is this still true? NO: not for neutralino/chargino parts. you need PIs2s1 separately, unfortunately.
We pick up the real parts of the eigenvalues for the masses
If certain DRbar ratios are large, they can cause massive higher order corrections in the higgs mass, making it have O(1) uncertainties. In these cases, you should switch to an OS calculation (eg by using FEYNHIGGS) for the Higgs mass (but there are other points at high tan beta where the DRbar scheme does better).
Because mhAt0 is defined in the p^2=0 limit, it should be real
Definitions are such that theta should diagonalise the matrix like O = [ cos sin ] [-sin cos ] and O m O^T = [ m2^2 ] [ m1^2 ] where m1 < m2, therefore if they come out in the wrong order, add pi/2 onto theta.
theta defined for p=mh
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::inomixingSLHA | ( | ostream & | out | ) |
This does the job of the above method, but outputs the UMIX/VMIX blocks.
implementing positive-only chargino masses in SLHA
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::isajetInterface764 | ( | const char | fname[80] | ) | const |
prints a file into fname which acts as an input to isajet
For input into isajet parameter file called fname.
PRINT out the fiddle in ISAJET PARAMETER file format
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::isajetNumbers764 | ( | double & | mtopPole, |
double & | mGPole, | ||
double & | smu, | ||
double & | mA, | ||
double & | tanb, | ||
double & | mq1l, | ||
double & | mdr, | ||
double & | mur, | ||
double & | meL, | ||
double & | meR, | ||
double & | mql3, | ||
double & | mdr3, | ||
double & | mur3, | ||
double & | mtauL, | ||
double & | mtauR, | ||
double & | at, | ||
double & | ab, | ||
double & | atau, | ||
double & | mq2l, | ||
double & | msr, | ||
double & | mcr, | ||
double & | mmuL, | ||
double & | mmuR, | ||
double & | m1, | ||
double & | m2 | ||
) | const |
Works out how best to fit the isajet numbers to the spectrum. There are problems with the Higgs and sbottoms because ISAJET assumes certain tree-level relations between masses that are broken by
SOFTSUSY's higher accuracy. The differences get large for high tan beta around 50, at around 10 they're typically only a percent. Output parameters: mtopPole is the pole mass of the top quark, mGPole is the gluino pole mass, smu is the superpotential Higgs parameter, mA is the pseudoscalar Higgs mass, tanb is tan beta, mq1l is the mass of the LH first family squark, mdr is the mass of the RH first family squark, meL is the LH selectron mass, meR is the RH selectron mass, mql3 is the LH stop mass, mdr3 is the RH sbottom mass, mur3 is the RH stop mass, mtauL is the LH stau mass, mtauR is the RH stau mass, at is the stop trilinear term, ab is the sbottom trilinear term, atau is the stau trilinear term, mq2l, msr, mcr are 2nd family squark masses, mmuL, mmuR are the smu masses, m1 and m2 are the gaugino mass parameters.
Works out how best to fit the isajet numbers to the spectrum. There are problems with the Higgs and sbottoms because ISAJET assumes certain tree-level relations between masses that are broken by SOFTSUSY's higher accuracy. The differences get large for high tan beta around 50, at around 10 they're typically only a percent.
Store a copy of the current object
Run to MSUSY
Store current object in vector
restore object at MSUSY
tree level
define ISAJET constants
Loop is for iterative solution
We're fiddling these variables to reproduce inside isajet the squark mass matrices that we've found in softsusy
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::isawigInterface764 | ( | const char | fnamein[80], |
const char | fnameout[80], | ||
const char | fnamesoft[80] | ||
) | const |
Prints a file into fnamesoft that can be input into isawig. fnamein gives the ISASSRUN output file name, fnameout is the filename for the ISAWIG input file
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::it1par | ( | int | numPar, |
const DoubleVector & | bcPars | ||
) |
Give it a GUT scale object consistent with rewsb and it'll return the fine tuning of one parameter specified by numPar ht, mu and m3sq at the high
Give it a GUT scale object consistent with rewsb and it'll return the fine tuning by varying m32, mu and m3sq at the high scale
Stores running parameters in a vector
Defines starting value to calculate derivative from
Fine tuning is a / MZ^2 d MZ^2 / d a for any parameter a
High error: if can't find a derivative, error comes back with 1.0e30
Restore initial parameters at correct scale
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::iterateMu | ( | double & | muold, |
int | sgnMu, | ||
double | mt, | ||
int | maxTries, | ||
double | pizzMS, | ||
double | sinthDRbar, | ||
double | tol, | ||
int & | err | ||
) |
Obtains solution of one-loop effective potential minimisation via iteration technique. Currently includes: all 1-loop SUSY tadpoles, plus 2-loop alpha_t (alpha_t + alpha_s) + alpha_b alpha_s corrections IO parameters: munew=current value of mu for this iteration, sgnMu=desired sign of mu, mt=DRbar mtop, maxTries=maximum number of iterations before it bails out, pizzMS=self-energy of MZ at current scale, sinthDRbar=DRbar value of sin theta_w, tol=desired fractional accuracy on mu, err=error flag: err=1 if no iteration reached, 2 if incorrect rewsb
Obtains solution of one-loop effective potential minimisation via iteration technique err is 1 if no iteration reached 2 if incorrect rewsb
How close to convergence are we?
calculate the new one-loop tadpoles with old value of mu
Error in rewsb
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::itLowsoft | ( | int | maxTries, |
int | sgnMu, | ||
double | tol, | ||
double | tanb, | ||
void(*)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &) | boundaryCondition, | ||
const DoubleVector & | pars, | ||
bool | gaugeUnification, | ||
bool | ewsbBCscale | ||
) |
Main iteration routine: Boundary condition is the theoretical condition on parameters at the high energy scale mx: the parameters themselves are contained within the vector. IO parameters:
maxTries is the maximum number of iterations allowed, mx is the GUT scale (negative if you require gauge unification), sgnMu is the desired sign of mu: + or - 1. If mu is 0, mu is set initially as a boundary condition. tanb = desired value of DR bar tan beta(MZ).
Iterating too long: bail out
On first iteration, don't bother with finite corrections
precision of running/RGE integration: start off low and increase
first stab at MSUSY: root(mstop1(MZ) mstop2(MZ))
problem with running: bail out
Guard against the top Yukawa fixed point
problem with running: bail out
Equal gauge couplings: let them and their derivatives set the boundary condition scale – linear approximation
if mx is too high/low, will likely get non-perturbative problems
< This will be at MSUSY
< After 11 tries, we start averaging old/new mu values
< Accuracy achieved: bail out
< Reset the number of iterations for the next time
guards against nasty fatal problems
Old iteration is 'old': these are the parameters by which convergence is measured.
If a print out is desired, print respectively, the difference with the last iteration (sum tol or sT), the mu parameter and m3^2 from EWSB, and the predicted MW and MZ boson masses
problem with running: bail out
old = MssmSoftsusy();
virtual |
SUSY Les Houches accord for interfacing to Monte-Carlos, decay programs etc.
Outputs with Les Houches accord conventions to standard output. Inputs: out should be something like cout or fout depending on whether you want output in a file or not. model contains what form of model is used for the SUSY breaking terms (eg cmssm, gmsb, amsb, nonUniversal). qMax is only relevant if you want a gridded output of running parameters up to some scale qMax. Put numPoints = 1 if you don't want to use this option - then qMaz is immaterial. mb is mb(mb) in the MSbar scheme used to produce the output, whereas mtau is the pole mass used (eg 1.777). mgut is the GUT scale that has been determined, and altEwsb is true if you specified mu and mA as input parameters (not tan beta and mH1, mH2).
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvNeutrino, softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy, and softsusy::FlavourMssmSoftsusy.
inline |
legacy wrapper to provide backward compatibility: does the same as the above. If you want non-default valuse, make sure loops, qewsb and mixing are set in the object before calling it
int softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::lsp | ( | double & | mass, |
int & | posi, | ||
int & | posj | ||
) | const |
Returns lsp mass in mass and function return labels which particle is lsp=0 means LSP is neutralino, 1=up squark, 2=down squark, 3=sleptons, 4=charginos, 5=sneutrinos, 6=gluino. posi, posj give the "handedness" (ie 1 or 2) for scalars and family respectively.
Returns lsp mass in mass and function return labels which particle is lsp: 0 is neutralino posi = #, posj = 0
up squarks 1
down squarks 2
sleptons 3
charginos 4
sneutrinos 5
gluino 6
gravitino -1
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::massSLHA | ( | ostream & | out | ) |
This does the job of the above method, but outputs the Mass block.
out << " 6 "; printRow(out, displayDataSet().displayPoleMt()); out << " # top\n";
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::maxMass | ( | ) | const |
Returns the mass of the heaviest SUSY particle, excluding gravitino.
up squarks 1
down squarks 2
sleptons 3
charginos 4
sneutrinos 5
gluino 6
virtual |
Dummy function to allow users to re-define it in user supplied objects. Pars will contain necessary parameters to describe high-scale boundary conditions on SUSY breaking terms
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvSoftsusy.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::minparSLHA | ( | ostream & | out, |
const char | model[], | ||
const DoubleVector & | pars, | ||
double | tanb, | ||
int | sgnMu, | ||
bool | ewsbBCscale | ||
) |
MINPAR block of SLHA.
For universal models, users still want to know MX and it has to be specially printed out as EXTPAR 0
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::modselSLHA | ( | ostream & | out, |
const char | model[] | ||
) |
This does the MODSEL block of SLHA.
Les Houches
accord codes
virtual |
neutralino and charigno part of mass block of SLHA
Charginos printed out positive in SLHA format, since they are sorted out by the mixing matrix minus row.
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
mixNeut set to diagonal = mixNeut^T mNeutralino mixNeut: checked
Calculates pole neutralino masses and mixingusing approximate 1-loop SUSY corrections. IO parameters: piwwt is the W self-energy at M_SUSY, accuracy is the number of loops required (0 or 1 currently), pizzt is the Z self-energy at M_SUSY
tree level
symmetrise tree-level
We should choose sign conventions from the case where the mixing is defined, in case there is a difference
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvSoftsusy.
int softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::nlsp | ( | double & | mass, |
int & | posi, | ||
int & | posj | ||
) | const |
Returns nlsp mass in mass and function return labels which particle is nlsp=0 means NLSP is neutralino, 1=up squark, 2=down squark, 3=sleptons, 4=charginos, 5=sneutrinos, 6=gluino. posi, posj give the "handedness" (ie 1 or 2) for scalars and family respectively.
Returns nlsp mass in mass and function return labels which particle is nlsp: 0 is neutralino posi = #, posj = 0
up squarks 1
down squarks 2
sleptons 3
charginos 4
sneutrinos 5
gluino 6
gravitino -1
check that nlsp is not the next-to-lightest in the group of the lsp
up squarks 1
down squarks 2
sleptons 3
charginos 4
sneutrinos 5
gluino 6 – there is only one gluino mass
gravitino -1
virtual |
Calculates physical sparticle masses to accuracy number of loops. Should be called at M_{SUSY}.
Organises calculation of physical quantities such as sparticle masses etc Call AT MSusy
Running masses at MSUSY
This part of the code adds higher loop corrections to gluino masses etc from Steve Martin et al
For third family sparticles, we must keep the same mass ordering as SOFTSUSY
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvNeutrino, and softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates transverse part of A^0 self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
checked 30.07.03
< protects vs zeros
Up fermions/sfermions
ignore 1st 2 families
LH gens 1-2
RH gen 1-2
Other Higgs'
trilinear Higgs coupling Feynman rules
trilinear Higgs/Goldstone Feynman rules
quartic Higgs coupling Ferynman rules: check
Rotate to A neutralino basis
To A-mass basis
cout << "f=" << fChChiA << " g=" << gChChiA;
Down fermions
LH gens 1-2
RH gens 1-2
Sign of certain contributions bug-fixed 30-07-03
virtual |
LCT: Charged Higgs self-energy.
Calculates transverse part of H^+H^- self-energy:
for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
<< LCT: Note minus sign. Consistent with
LCT: fermion contribution
LCT: sfermion contribution
LCT: pure gauge contribution
LCT: Higgs contribution
LCT: neutralino-chargino contribution
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::piHpHmFermions | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
LCT: Returns fermion contributions to charged Higgs self-energy.
LCT: Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the fermion contribution to H^+H^- self-energy for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
fermions: 3rd family only for now
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::piHpHmGauge | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
LCT: Returns pure gauge contributions to charged Higgs self-energy.
LCT: Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the gauge contribution to H^+H^- self-energy for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::piHpHmGauginos | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
LCT: Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the gaugino contribution to H^+H^- self-energy for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
LCT: Returns neutralino-chargino contributions to charged Higgs self-energy
Get to physical gaugino estates, and G+H+
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::piHpHmHiggs | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
LCT: Returns Higgs contributions to charged Higgs self-energy.
LCT: Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Higgs contribution to H^+H^- self-energy for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
BPMZ not so clear: assuming (D.67) that s_i G+ H- coupling is same as s_i G- H+ (by C conservation): basis is (s1 s2, G- H-)
in (H h) basis
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::piHpHmSfermions | ( | double | p, |
double | q, | ||
double | mu | ||
) | const |
LCT: Returns sfermion contributions to charged Higgs self-energy.
LCT: Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the sfermion contribution to H^+H^- self-energy for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale, and SUSY parameter mu
first two generations: forget lighter Yukawas
3rd family
3rd fam ups
3rd fam downs
3rd fam snus
3rd fam es
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s1 | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates transverse part of Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
minus sign taken into acct here!
Neutralino contribution
Chargino contribution
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s1Charginos | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Chargino contribution to the Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s1Fermions | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the fermion contribution to Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
fermions: 3rd family only for now
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s1Higgs | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Higgs contribution to Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Trilinear Higgs couplings in basis H h G A: have assumed the couplings are symmetric (ie hHs1 = Hhs1)
Quadrilinear Higgs couplings
define Higgs vector in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
cout << "higgs(" << i << "," << j << ")=" << higgs;
cout << "higgs(" << i << "," << j << ")=" << higgs;
cout << hhs1 << hhs1s1 << higgsm;
Basis (G+ H+, G- H-)
(G+ H+)
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s1Neutralinos | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Neutralino contribution to the Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s1Sfermions | ( | double | p, |
double | q, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls1tt, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls1bb, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls1tautau | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the sfermion contribution to Higgs.
Complex versions of Higgs loop corrections.
Mix 3rd family up
selectron couplings to s1 Higgs state: neglect Yukawas + mixing
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s2 | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates transverse part of Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
minus sign taken into acct here!
sfermion couplings to s2 Higgs state
Neutralino contribution
Chargino contribution
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s2Charginos | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Chargino contribution to the Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s2Higgs | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Higgs contribution to Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Trilinear Higgs couplings in basis H h G A: have assumed the couplings are symmetric (ie hHs1 = Hhs1)
Trilinear Higgs couplings in basis H h G A: have assumed the couplings are symmetric (ie hHs2 = Hhs2)
Quadrilinear Higgs couplings
cout << "alpha=" << alpha << " g=" << g << " " << gp << " cw" << costhDrbar << " " << displayTanb();
define Higgs vector in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s2Neutralinos | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Neutralino contribution to the Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis1s2Sfermions | ( | double | p, |
double | q, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls1tt, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls1bb, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls1tautau, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls2tt, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls2bb, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls2tautau | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the sfermion contribution to Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Mix 3rd family up
selectron couplings to s1 Higgs state: neglect Yukawas + mixing
couplings to s2 Higgs state: neglect Yukawas + mixing
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis2s2 | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
checked 28.10.02
Calculates transverse part of Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
minus sign taken into acct here!
sfermion couplings to s2 Higgs state
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis2s2Charginos | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Chargino contribution to the Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis2s2Fermions | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the fermion contribution to Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
fermions: 3rd family only for now
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis2s2Higgs | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Higgs contribution to Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Trilinear Higgs couplings in basis H h G A: have assumed the couplings are symmetric (ie hHs2 = Hhs2)
Quadrilinear Higgs couplings
define Higgs vector in 't-Hooft Feynman gauge, and couplings:
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis2s2Neutralinos | ( | double | p, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the Neutralino contribution to the Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
Neutralino contribution
Complex softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::pis2s2Sfermions | ( | double | p, |
double | q, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls2tt, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls2bb, | ||
DoubleMatrix | ls2tautau | ||
) | const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the sfermion contribution to Higgs self-energy: for p=external momentum, q=renormalisation scale
stop contribution
sbottom contribution
first two families of sparticles
Mix 3rd family up
couplings to s2 Higgs state: neglect Yukawas + mixing
virtual |
Calculates transverse part of W self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
W propagator to 1 loop in MSSM It's all been checked
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates fermion contribution to the transverse part of W self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
We utilise pole mt for these corrections (which the 2-loop Standard Model pieces assume)
fermions: these are valid at MZ
virtual |
Calculates transverse part of W self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
These ought to be in physpars
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates Higgs contribution to the transverse part of W self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates sfermion contribution to the transverse part of W self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
LH slepton
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::piZGT | ( | double | p, |
double | Q | ||
) | const |
Calculates Z gamma self-energy:
for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
! checked 7/6/6
virtual |
Transverse part of Z self-energy: has been checked.
Calculates transverse part of Z self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates chargino contrib. to the transverse part of Z self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
Charginos static
virtual |
fermion contribution to the Transverse part of Z self-energy:
Calculates fermion contribution to the transverse part of Z self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
fermions: these are valid at MZ
We utilise pole mt for these corrections (which the 2-loop Standard Model pieces assume)
virtual |
Calculates Higgs contribution to the transverse part of Z self-energy:
Higgs contribution to the Transverse part of Z self-energy.
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates neutralino contrib. to the transverse part of Z self-energy: for p=external momentum, Q=renormalisation scale
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates sfermion contribution to the transverse part of Z self-energy:
sfermion contribution to the Transverse part of Z self-energy
first two families of sfermions
up squarks
down squarks
THIRD FAMILY sneutrinos
up squarks
down squarks
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::predMzsq | ( | double & | tanb, |
double | muOld = -6.66e66 , |
double | eps = 0. |
) |
Predicts value of MZ(pole) from values of soft parameters and mu that we have. tanb=tan beta is also predicted
Apply at scale MSusy: checked 19.12.2000 Displays PHYSICAL MZ, ie MZ(q) - piZz^T(q) Fixed pizztMS to resummed version 6/1/13
< resums logs
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::predTanb | ( | double | susyMu = -6.66e66 | ) | const |
This is a check: predicts tan beta from the values of soft parameters and mu that we have
Predicts tan beta once mu and soft terms are predicted at low energy Useful for fine-tuning calculation. Call at MSusy only.
Note: we want to take inverse sine so that fundamental domain is greater than pi/4. sin(pi - 2 beta)=sin 2 beta should achieve this. we also use tan (pi/2 - theta) = 1/tan(theta)
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::predVevs | ( | DoubleVector & | vevs, |
int & | err | ||
) |
DH: solves the EWSB conditions for the Higgs VEVs.
DH: solves the EWSB conditions for the Higgs VEVs, given the current values of all of the other parameters
Stores running parameters in a vector
Initial guess
Restore initial parameters at correct scale
string softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::printLong | ( | ) |
Prints a list of all sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output.
output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
mu m3sq mH1sq mH2sq g1 g2 mt(mt) mh mA mH mH+ alphaH msnu3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
msnu1 mstopL mstopR msupL msupR msbotL msbotR 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
msdL msdR mstauL mstauR mselL mselR thetat thetab thetatau 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
mgl mch1 mch2 thetaL thetaR mneut1 mneut2 mneut3 mneut4 39 40 41 sinthW t1ov1 t2ov2
string softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::printLongDrbar | ( | ) |
Prints a list of all running sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output.
output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
mu m3sq mH1sq mH2sq g1 g2 mt(mt) mh mA mH mH+ alphaH msnu3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
msnu1 mstopL mstopR msupL msupR msbotL msbotR 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
msdL msdR mstauL mstauR mselL mselR thetat thetab thetatau 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
mgl mch1 mch2 thetaL thetaR mneut1 mneut2 mneut3 mneut4 39 40 41 sinthW t1ov1 t2ov2
string softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::printShort | ( | ) | const |
Prints a list of important sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output.
Prints mu, B and important spectral information.
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::qcdSusythresh | ( | double | alphasMSbar, |
double | q | ||
) |
Does SUSY (and other) threshold corrections to alphaS Input alphas in MSbar and it returns it in DRbar scheme. From hep-ph/9606211
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::qedSusythresh | ( | double | alphaEm, |
double | q | ||
) | const |
Does SUSY (and other) threshold corrections to alphaEm - returns alpha in DRbar scheme at scale Q. From hep-ph/9606211. Input empirical value of alpha at 0 momentum....
Does SUSY (and other) threshold corrections to alphaEm - returns alpha in DRbar scheme at scale Q. From hep-ph/9606211. Input empirical value of alpha at MZ external momentum....
QedQcd always returns running couplings in the SM(5). Therefore, the top threshold must be taken into account here.
Two loop correction parameterisation from private communication of authors from 1411.7040 in MSBAR SCHEME and at MZ
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::realMinMs | ( | ) | const |
You should evaluate this at a scale MSusy average of stops. Returns depth of electroweak minimum
You should evaluate this at a scale MSusy average of stops. Depth of electroweak minimum: hep-ph/9507294. Bug-fixed 19/11/04
virtual |
Organises high accuracy rewsb: call it at the low scale M_{SUSY} IO parameters: sgnMu is +/-1 (desired sign of mu), mt is DRbar top mass muOld is a value of mu with which the current one is to be averaged, if it is set to some value above the number of the beast. This can be useful in attaining convergence in regions where it is difficult. eps reflects how the old and new values of mu are to be averaged: it's (eps * mu + (1-eps) * muOld)
Organises rewsb: call it at the low scale MS^2 = sqrt(0.5 * (mT1^2 + mT2^2)) is best, or below if it's decoupled from there. Call with zero, or no mt if you want tree level
Iterate to get a self-consistent mu solution
< resums logs
average mu with the input value of muOld, if it isn't the number of the beast
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvSoftsusy.
virtual |
returns 1 if mu < 1.0e-9
REWSB calculation, returning m3sq at correct value consistent with mu
Following means no good rewsb
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
int softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::rewsbM3sqTree | ( | double | mupar, |
double & | m3squared | ||
) | const |
returns 1 if mu < 1.0e-9
Tree-level REWSB calculation, returning m3sq at correct value consistent with mu
Following means no good rewsb
virtual |
Calculates pole Higgs masses and mixings: full 1-loop SUSY corrections and 2-loop alpha_t (alpha_s + alpha_t) + alpha_s alpha_b effective potential corrections. IO parameters: piwwt is the W self-energy at M_SUSY, accuracy is number of loops (0 or 1) to use and pizzt is the Z self-energy at M_SUSY Tree-level REWSB calculation, returning mu at correct value. sgnMu is the required sign (+/- 1). Returns 1 if mu^2<0, indicating an inconsistent minimum
Returns mu from rewsb requirement. returns 1 if there's a problem. Call at MSusy
Tree-level relation
mu has incorrect sign
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Organises tree-level rewsb: call it at the low scale M_{SUSY} IO parameters: sgnMu is +/-1 (desired sign of mu)
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Iterative determination of rho parameter consistent with muon decay constant, MZ and alpha_0. IO parameters: outrho and outsin are the current DRbar values of sin theta_w and the rho parameter. alphaMZDRbar=already calculated value of fine-structure constant, pizztMZ=Z self-energy at Q=MZ, tol=desired piwwt0=self-energy of the W at p=0, piwwtMW=self-energy of the W at p=MW accuracy and maxTries is the maximum number of iterations the routines will allow
Checked 20.11.00 Flags noconvergence if there's trouble...then don't believe outrho and outsin produced - they are fudged!
Difference to last iteration
old calculation of sin^2 theta_W
virtual |
Dummy function to allow users to re-define it in user supplied objects. Pars will contain necessary parameters to describe high-scale boundary conditions on SUSY breaking terms
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvSoftsusy.
virtual |
Again, another dummy - useful in alternative EWSB conditions sometimes.
Normally, this is just a dummy function that is un-used. But sometimes, it can be used to re-set electroweak symmetry breaking conditions, depending on the value of inputs at the GUT scale.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::setMsusy | ( | double | f | ) |
Sets scale of Higgs potential minimisation and sparticle mass calculation
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::setNeutCurrCouplings | ( | double | sinthDRbar, |
double & | sw2, | ||
double & | guL, | ||
double & | gdL, | ||
double & | geL, | ||
double & | guR, | ||
double & | gdR, | ||
double & | geR | ||
) |
calculates the higgs DRbar parameters. Make sure mt is set in eg. It will fill in the Higgs masses with the appropriate values on exit.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::setTwoLoopAlphasThresholds | ( | bool | sw | ) |
Switch 2-loop threshold \(O(\alpha_s^2), O(\alpha_s \alpha_b), O(\alpha_s \alpha_t) \) corrections to \(\alpha_s\)
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::setTwoLoopMbMtauThresholds | ( | bool | sw | ) |
Switch 2-loop threshold \(O(\alpha_s^2), O(\alpha_t^2), O(\alpha_b^2), O(\alpha_\tau^2), O(\alpha_s \alpha_b), O(\alpha_\tau \alpha_b) O(\alpha_s \alpha_t) \) corrections to \( m_b \) and \( O(\alpha_\tau^2), O(\alpha_t \alpha_\tau), O(\alpha_t \alpha_b) \) corrections to \( m_\tau \) ON/OFF
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::smPredictionMW | ( | ) | const |
checked 22/04/06
predicts MW in Standard Model limit: parameterisation from hep-ph/0311148: estimated 4 MeV on the error
first contribution is leptonic: from hep-ph/9803313 second from hep-ph/0104304
virtual |
For an input tan beta=tb, sets gauge and Yukawa couplings according to the tree-level spectrum and data set: pars contains the boundary conditions. They aren't used in R-parity conservation, though.
It'll set the important SUSY couplings: You should set up an iteration here since Yuk's depend on top mass which depends on Yuk's etc.
for the up-coming loops
Do gauge couplings
replace third family quark masses with their loop-corrected values
to do: for a better approximation, the lighter quarks/leptons should also be corrected with MSSM/DRbar corrections
3-family mixed-up Yukawa couplings: From PDG 2000
Reimplemented in softsusy::RpvSoftsusy.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::ssrunInterface764 | ( | const char | fname[80], |
const char | softfname[80] | ||
) | const |
prints a file into fname which acts as an input to isajet First name input is the name of an OUTPUT file from ssrun, the second name is the name of the interface file for INPUT to ssrun
First name input is the name of an OUTPUT file from ssrun, the second name is the name of the interface file for INPUT to ssrun
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::ssrunInterface764Inside | ( | const char | fname[80], |
fstream & | softOutput | ||
) | const |
prints a file into fname which acts as an input to isassrun: fstream should be opened before calling
virtual |
Returns tree-level down squark mass matrix in "mass". IO parameters: mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mTrun=DR bar tau mass, family=generation of slepton, pizztMS=Z self energy at Q=M_SUSY, sinthDRbarMS=DRbar value of sin theta_w
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::treeCharginos | ( | DoubleMatrix & | mCh, |
double | beta, | ||
double | mw | ||
) |
calculates the chargino DRbar parameters. It will fill in the chargino masses in eg with the appropriate values on exit.
virtual |
Returns tree-level down squark mass matrix in "mass". IO parameters: mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mbrun=DR bar bottom mass, family=generation of squark, pizztMS=Z self energy at Q=M_SUSY, sinthDRbarMS=DRbar value of sin theta_w
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::treeLevelMuSq | ( | ) |
This is the value you'd get from minimising the Higgs potential at tree-level
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::treeNeutralinos | ( | DoubleMatrix & | mN, |
double | beta, | ||
double | mz, | ||
double | mw, | ||
double | sinth | ||
) |
calculates the chargino DRbar parameters. It will fill in the chargino masses in eg with the appropriate values on exit.
void softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::treeSnu | ( | double & | mSq, |
double | pizztMS, | ||
int | family | ||
) |
Organises calculation of all sneutrino masses, pizztMS=Z self energy at Q=M_SUSY, mSq=mass of sneutrino, family=generation of sneutrino
virtual |
Returns tree-level up squark mass matrix in "mass". IO parameters: mass=tree level mass matrix on input, is returned with radiative corrections added, mtrun=DR bar top mass, family=generation of squark, pizztMS=Z self energy at Q=M_SUSY, sinthDRbarMS=DRbar value of sin theta_w
Reimplemented in softsusy::NmssmSoftsusy.
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::twoLoopGm2 | ( | double | amu1Loop | ) | const |
gives two-loop contribution to (g-2)_mu according to the calculation in Stockinger et al
Higgs-sfermion couplings
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::twoLpMt | ( | ) | const |
Two-loop O(\alpha_s^2) MSSM corrections to the pole masses of heavy quarks by A.Bednyakov, A.Onishchenko, V.Velizhanin, O.Veretin
double softsusy::MssmSoftsusy::ufb3sl | ( | double | mx | ) |
Input mx the scale up to which you search for minima. Returns minimum value of potential along UFB3 direction. Does ufbs truly properly but takes a long time.
Input mx the scale up to which you search for minima Returns minimum value of potential along that direction Does ufbs truly properly but takes ages.
Save initial parameters
Running should be faster from high scales on the whole
Numerical recipes routine to determine minimum of potential specified in minimufb3
Restore initial parameters setMu(initialMu); set(parSave);