Real valued R-Parity violating MSSM object: use for UDD couplings. More...
#include <rpvsoft.h>
Public Member Functions | |
RpvSoftsusy () | |
Default constructor fills object with zeroes. | |
RpvSoftsusy (const RpvSoftsusy &) | |
Constructor initialises object equal to another one. | |
const RpvSoftsusy & | operator= (const RpvSoftsusy &) |
All data in object set equal to another one. | |
const DoubleVector | display () const |
Displays all RGE parameters in a double vector. | |
void | set (const DoubleVector &v) |
Sets all RGE parameters from elements of v. | |
DoubleVector | beta () const |
Beta functions of RPV MSSM. | |
RpvSoftsusy | beta2 () const |
Beta functions of RPV MSSM. | |
const RpvSoftsusy & | displayRpvSoftsusy () const |
Returns object as a const. | |
void | setRpvSoftsusy (const RpvSoftsusy &s) |
Sets whole object equal to another | |
void | rpvDisplay (DoubleVector ¶meters) const |
virtual void | rpvSet (const DoubleVector ¶meters) |
const DoubleVector & | displaySneutrinoVevs () const |
Returns the vacuum expectation values of sneutrinos. | |
const DoubleVector & | displayNeutrinoMasses () const |
Returns the neutrino masses. | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displayNeutralMixing () const |
Returns the full neutral mixing matrix. | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displayUch () const |
5 x 5 charged fermion mixing | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displayVch () const |
5 x 5 charged fermion mixing | |
int | displayNumRpcBcs () const |
Displays number of parameters in R-parity conserving BCs. | |
void | setNumRpcBcs (int pos) |
Sets number of parameters in R-parity conserving BCs. | |
void | setSneutrinoVevs (DoubleVector &v) |
Set vacuum expectation values of sneutrinos. | |
void | setNeutrinoMasses (DoubleVector &v) |
Set neutrino masses. | |
void | setNeutralMixing (DoubleMatrix &v) |
Set neutral fermion mixing matrix. | |
void | setUch (DoubleMatrix &v) |
Set charged fermion mixing matrix. | |
void | setVch (DoubleMatrix &v) |
Set charged fermion mixing matrix. | |
void | check (const DoubleVector &sneutrinoVevs) const |
Checks to what extent REWSB conditions are satisfied. | |
void | rpvAnomalousDimension (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gUU, DoubleMatrix &gDD, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, DoubleVector &gH1L) const |
Anomalous dimensions of fields in RPV MSSM. | |
void | rpvAnomalousDeriv (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gUU, DoubleMatrix &gDD, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, DoubleVector &gH1L) const |
void | rpvyTildes (DoubleMatrix &ye, DoubleMatrix &yd, Tensor &letilde, Tensor &ldtilde, Tensor &lutilde) const |
virtual void | rewsb (int sgnMu, double mt, const DoubleVector &pars, double muOld=-6.66e66, double eps=0.) |
void | iterateRewsb (double &mu, double &m3sq, DoubleVector &sneutrinoVevs, int sgnMu, int &numTries, int maxTries, double tol, double mt, double oldMu, double eps) |
double | calculateMu (const DoubleVector &sneutrinoVevs, int sgnMu, double v1, double v2) |
virtual void | higgs (int accuracy, double piwwtMS, double pizztMS) |
double | calculateM3sq (const DoubleVector &sneutrinoVevs, double snuSq, double v1, double v2) |
virtual DoubleVector | calculateSneutrinoVevs (const DoubleVector &sneutrinoVevs, double tol, double snuSq, double v1, double v2) |
void | rotateAwayVevs (DoubleVector &snVevs) |
int | usefulVevs (double vSM, const DoubleVector &sneutrinoVevs, double &snuSq, double &v1, double &v2) const |
IO parameters: vSM = total VEVs of Higgs+sneutrinos (added in. More... | |
void | standardSugra (double m0, double m12, double a0) |
DoubleMatrix | neutralinoMassMatrix () const |
Returns the 7 by 7 general RPV neutralino mass matrix. | |
void | neutralinos (int accuracy, double piwwtMS, double pizztMS) |
void | methodBoundaryCondition (const DoubleVector &v) |
virtual void | sparticleThresholdCorrections (double tb) |
DoubleMatrix | chargedLeptons (double vev) |
Calculates charged lepton-chargino mass matrix including sneutrino VEVs. More... | |
void | iterateChargedLeptons (double vev, DoubleMatrix &yeOld, double tol, int maxTries, int &err, double mtau) |
void | isawigInterface764 (char herwigInputFile[80], char isajetOutputFile[80], char softOutputFile[80], double eps=0.) const |
void | outputNonZeroInputs (ostream &out) |
void | slha1 (ostream &out, const char model[], const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, double qMax, int numPoints, bool ewsbBCscale) |
void | drbarRpv (ostream &out) |
Does the RPV coupling SLHA1 outputs. | |
bool | leptonNumberViolation () const |
![]() | |
FlavourMssmSoftsusy () | |
constructor functions | |
FlavourMssmSoftsusy (const FlavourMssmSoftsusy &s) | |
const FlavourMssmSoftsusy & | operator= (const FlavourMssmSoftsusy &s) |
double | displayTheta12 () const |
standard set and display functions | |
double | displayTheta13 () const |
double | displayTheta23 () const |
double | displayDelta () const |
double | displayThetaB12 () const |
double | displayThetaB13 () const |
double | displayThetaB23 () const |
double | displayMnuE () const |
double | displayMnuMu () const |
double | displayPoleMe () const |
double | displayPoleMmu () const |
double | displayMd2GeV () const |
double | displayMu2GeV () const |
double | displayMs2GeV () const |
double | displayMcMc () const |
double | displayMnuTau () const |
const flavourPhysical & | displayFlavourPhysical () const |
const FlavourMssmSoftsusy & | displayFlavourSoftsusy () const |
void | setFlavourSoftsusy (const FlavourMssmSoftsusy &s) |
void | setTheta12 (double d) |
void | setTheta13 (double d) |
void | setTheta23 (double d) |
void | setDelta (double d) |
void | setThetaB12 (double d) |
void | setThetaB13 (double d) |
void | setThetaB23 (double d) |
void | setMnuE (double d) |
void | setMnuMu (double d) |
void | setMnuTau (double d) |
void | setPoleMe (double d) |
void | setPoleMmu (double d) |
void | setMd2GeV (double d) |
void | setMu2GeV (double d) |
void | setMs2GeV (double d) |
void | setMcMc (double d) |
void | setFlavourPhys (const flavourPhysical &s) |
Sets all squark flavour violating physical parameters. | |
void | setInitialData (const QedQcd &r) |
Sets the initial data from a un-run QedQcd object. | |
const DoubleMatrix | displayCkm () const |
const ComplexMatrix | displayComplexCkm () const |
same as displayCkm, except the phase is properly incorporated | |
const DoubleMatrix | displayMns () const |
constructs a MNS matrix out of the angles stored within | |
virtual void | lesHouchesAccordOutput (ostream &out, const char model[], const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, double qMax, int numPoints, bool ewsbBCscale) |
SLHA2 output format. | |
void | modselSLHA (ostream &out, const char model[]) |
MODSEL block of SLHA2. | |
void | sminputsSLHA (ostream &out) |
SM inputs block of SLHA2. | |
void | vckminSLHA (ostream &out) |
VCKMIN inputs block of SLHA2. More... | |
void | minparSLHA (ostream &out, const char model[], const DoubleVector &pars, double tanb, int sgnMu, bool ewsbBCscale) |
Input SUSY parameters part of SLHA2. More... | |
virtual void | extparSLHA (ostream &out, const DoubleVector &pars, bool ewsbBCscale) |
EXTPAR block of SLHA. | |
virtual void | sfermionsSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermion part of mass block output of SLHA2 More... | |
virtual void | sleptonsSLHA (ostream &out) |
slepton part of mass block output of SLHA2 | |
virtual void | sfermionmixSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermion mixing output part of SLHA2 | |
virtual void | selmixSLHA (ostream &out) |
charged slepton mixing part | |
virtual void | snumixSLHA (ostream &out) |
uncharged slepton mixing part | |
virtual void | yukawasSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermionic part of mixing blocks More... | |
virtual void | msoftSLHA (ostream &out) |
MSOFT block of SLHA. More... | |
virtual void | doUpSquarks (double mt, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int accuracy) |
flavour violating squark mass/mixing calculation More... | |
virtual void | doDownSquarks (double mb, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int accuracy, double mt) |
flavour violating squark mass/mixing calculation More... | |
virtual void | doChargedSleptons (double mT, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int accuracy) |
flavour violating slepton mass/mixing calculation More... | |
virtual void | doSnu (double pizztMS, int accuracy=0) |
flavour violating slepton mass/mixing calculation More... | |
virtual void | doQuarkMixing (DoubleMatrix &mDon, DoubleMatrix &mUpq) |
virtual void | calcDrBarPars () |
Organises tree-level calculation of all sparticle masses and mixings. More... | |
virtual MssmSusyRGE | guessAtSusyMt (double tanb, const QedQcd &oneset) |
void | setAngles (double lambdaW, double aCkm, double rhobar, double etabar) |
void | sCkm (DoubleMatrix &deltaULL, DoubleMatrix &deltaURR, DoubleMatrix &deltaULR, DoubleMatrix &deltaDLL, DoubleMatrix &deltaDRR, DoubleMatrix &deltaDLR) const |
void | sCkmAnalytic (double m32, double &deltaULL23, double &deltaULR23, double &deltaULL12, double &deltaDLL23, double &deltaDLR23, double &deltaDLL12) const |
void | sCkmRunning (DoubleMatrix &deltaULL, DoubleMatrix &deltaURR, DoubleMatrix &deltaULR, DoubleMatrix &deltaDLL, DoubleMatrix &deltaDRR, DoubleMatrix &deltaDLR) |
![]() | |
MssmSoftsusy () | |
Default constructor fills object with zeroes. | |
MssmSoftsusy (const MssmSusyRGE &) | |
Constructor sets SUSY parameters only from another object. | |
MssmSoftsusy (const MssmSoftsusy &) | |
Constructor copies another object. | |
MssmSoftsusy (const MssmSusy &, const MssmSoftPars &s, const sPhysical &sp, double mu, int l, int t, double hv) | |
const MssmSoftsusy & | operator= (const MssmSoftsusy &s) |
Set all data in the object equal to another. | |
const MssmSoftsusy & | displayMssmSoft () const |
Displays whole object as a const. | |
const sPhysical & | displayPhys () const |
Displays physical parameters only. | |
sPhysical | displayPhysUncertainty (TMSSMBoundaryCondition boundaryCondition, double mxGuess, const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, const QedQcd &oneset, bool gaugeUnification, bool ewsbBCscale=false, int contributions=DeltaAll) const |
Displays uncertainty estimate of pole masses. More... | |
sPhysical | displayPhysUncertaintyScaleVariation () const |
Displays uncertainty estimate of pole masses by scale variation only. More... | |
const drBarPars & | displayDrBarPars () const |
const sProblem & | displayProblem () const |
Returns any problem flags associated with the object. | |
const QedQcd & | displayDataSet () const |
Gives the low energy Standard Model data set used for the object. | |
double | displaySoftA (trilinears, int, int) const |
Return a trilinear element in "SUGRA style". | |
double | displayFracDiff () const |
Displays iteration accuracy attained. | |
double | displayMinpot () const |
Returns minimum of Higgs potential. | |
double | displayMsusy () const |
Returns Higgs minimisation scale. | |
double | displayMw () const |
double | displayMwRun () const |
Returns DRbar MW, must be calculated by calcDrBarPars first. | |
double | displayMzRun () const |
Returns DRbar MZ, must be calculated by calcDrBarPars first. | |
double | displayTadpole1Ms () const |
displays t_1/v_1 tadpole | |
double | displayTadpole2Ms () const |
displays t_2/v_2 tadpole | |
double | displayTadpole1Ms1loop () const |
displays t_1/v_1 tadpole@1 loop | |
double | displayTadpole2Ms1loop () const |
displays t_2/v_2 tadpole@1 loop | |
double | displayMxBC () const |
const MssmSoftsusy & | displaySoftsusy () const |
Returns object as a const. More... | |
double | displayMz () const |
Returns value of pole MZ being used. | |
bool | displaySetTbAtMX () const |
Is tan beta set at the user defined SUSY breaking scale? | |
bool | displayAltEwsb () const |
bool | displayAltMt () const |
bool | displayAltAlphaS () const |
bool | displayAltAlphaEm () const |
double | displayPredMzSq () const |
double | displayQewsb () const |
double | displayMatchingScale () const |
void | flagMgutOutOfBounds (bool a) |
Flags weird mgut-type problems. | |
void | flagIrqfp (bool a) |
Flags Infra-red quasi fixed point breach problem. | |
void | flagNonperturbative (bool a) |
Flags non-perturbative RG evolution. | |
void | flagTachyon (tachyonType a) |
Flags a negative-mass squared scalar (really a CCB problem) More... | |
void | flagTachyonWarning (tachyonType a) |
void | flagM3sq (bool a) |
Flags problem with Higgs potential minimum. | |
void | flagNoConvergence (bool a) |
Flags fact that calculation hasn't acheived required accuracy. | |
void | flagNoMuConvergence (bool a) |
Flags fact that mu sub iteration didn't converge. | |
void | flagNoRhoConvergence (bool a) |
Flags fact that rho parameter sub iteration didn't converge. | |
void | flagMusqwrongsign (bool a) |
Flags point inconsistent with electroweak symmetry breaking. | |
void | flagInaccurateHiggsMass (bool a) |
void | flagHiggsufb (bool a) |
Flags an inconsistent Higgs minimum. | |
void | flagNotGlobalMin (bool a) |
LCT: Flags problem if not in global minimum of Higgs potential. | |
void | flagAllProblems (bool a, tachyonType b) |
Sets all problems equal to either true or false (contained in a) | |
void | flagProblemThrown (bool a) |
Flags a numerical exception eg number too big/small. | |
void | setProblem (const sProblem a) |
Sets all problem flags. | |
void | setSoftsusy (const MssmSoftsusy &s) |
Sets whole object equal to another | |
void | setData (const QedQcd &r) |
Sets low energy Standard Model fermion mass and gauge coupling data. | |
void | setMinpot (double) |
Sets potential value at minimum of Higgs potential. | |
void | setMsusy (double) |
void | setMw (double) |
sets pole MW prediction | |
void | setPhys (const sPhysical &s) |
Sets all physical parameters. | |
void | setMxBC (double mx) |
Sets the scale at which high-scale boundary conditions are applied. | |
void | setDrBarPars (const drBarPars &s) |
Sets tree-level DRbar parameters. | |
void | setSetTbAtMX (bool a) |
Sets the setTbAtMX flag. | |
void | useAlternativeEwsb () |
Use alernative EWSB conditions: set mu and MA(pole) | |
void | useAlternativeMt () |
Use alernative mt(MSSM,DR-bar) calculation. | |
void | useAlternativeAlphaS () |
Use alernative alpha_s(MSSM,DR-bar) calculation. | |
void | useAlternativeAlphaEm () |
Use alernative alpha_em(MSSM,DR-bar) calculation. | |
void | setPredMzSq (double a) |
Set MZ^2 predicted after iteration. | |
void | set (const DoubleVector &) |
Sets total set of RGE parameters equal to elements of a vector. | |
void | setQewsb (double q) |
Sets user-set scale qewsb. | |
void | setTwoLoopAlphasThresholds (bool sw) |
void | setTwoLoopMtThresholds (bool sw) |
Switch 2-loop threshold \( O(\alpha_s^2) \) corrections to top mass. | |
void | setTwoLoopMbMtauThresholds (bool sw) |
void | setAllTwoLoopThresholds (bool sw) |
Switch all two-loop thresholds to gauge-Yukawa couplings. | |
DoubleVector | beta () const |
Returns double vector containing numerical beta functions of parameters. | |
void | setFracDiff (double fD) |
sets fracDiff, needed for access by NmssmSoftsusy methods | |
void | H1SfSfCouplings (DoubleMatrix &lTS1Lr, DoubleMatrix &lBS1Lr, DoubleMatrix &lTauS1Lr, double gmzOcthW, double mu, double cosb, double v1) const |
fixes trilnear H1-sfermion-sfermion couplings | |
void | H2SfSfCouplings (DoubleMatrix &lTS2Lr, DoubleMatrix &lBS2Lr, DoubleMatrix &lTauS2Lr, double gmzOcthW, double mu, double sinb) const |
fixes trilnear H2-sfermion-sfermion couplings | |
double | doCalcTad1Sfermions (DoubleMatrix lTS1Lr, DoubleMatrix lBS1Lr, DoubleMatrix lTauS1Lr, double costhDRbar) const |
routine to calculate sfermiom contributions to H1 tadpole / v1 More... | |
double | doCalcTad2Sfermions (DoubleMatrix lTS2Lr, DoubleMatrix lBS2Lr, DoubleMatrix lTauS2Lr, double costhDRbar) const |
routine to calculate sfermiom contributions to (16 \pi^2) t1 / v1 More... | |
double | doCalcTad1fermions (double q, double v1) const |
fixes trilnear H1-fermion-fermion couplings More... | |
double | doCalcTad2fermions (double q) const |
fixes trilnear H2-fermion-fermion couplings More... | |
double | doCalcTad1Higgs (double q, double costhDRbar2, double g, double tanb) const |
one loop H1 tadpole contributions from Higgs bosons in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad2Higgs (double q, double costhDRbar2, double g, double tanb) const |
double | doCalcTad1Neutralinos (double q, double costhDRbar, double g, double cosb) const |
one loop H1 tadpole contributions from Neutralinos in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad2Neutralinos (double q, double costhDRbar, double g, double sinb) const |
one loop H2 tadpole contributions from Neutralinos in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad1Charginos (double q, double g, double cosb) const |
one loop H1 tadpole contributions from Charginos in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad2Charginos (double q, double g, double sinb) const |
double | doCalcTad1GaugeBosons (double q, double costhDRbar2, double g, double tanb) const |
one loop H1 tadpole contributions from Charginos in the loops | |
double | doCalcTad2GaugeBosons (double q, double costhDRbar2, double g, double tanb) const |
void | doTadpoles (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
Does the full 2-loop calculation of both tadpoles and sets them. More... | |
virtual double | doCalcTadpole1oneLoop (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
Does the calculation of one-loop pieces of \( t_1 / v_1 \). More... | |
virtual double | doCalcTadpole2oneLoop (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
Does the calculation of one-loop pieces of \( t_2 / v_2 \). More... | |
virtual void | calcTadpole1Ms1loop (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
checked More... | |
virtual void | calcTadpole2Ms1loop (double mt, double sinthDRbar) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopQCD (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &strong) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopStop (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &stop) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopSbottom (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &sbottom) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopHiggs (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopEweak (double p, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopNeutralino (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addStopChargino (double p, DoubleMatrix &chargino) |
virtual void | addStopCorrection (double p, DoubleMatrix &mass, double mt) |
As in BPMZ appendix. More... | |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownQCD (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &strong) |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownHiggs (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownEweak (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownNeutralino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addSdownChargino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &chargino) |
virtual void | addSdownCorrection (DoubleMatrix &mass, int family) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotQCD (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &strong) |
void | addSbotSfermion (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &stop, DoubleMatrix &sbottom) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotHiggs (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotEweak (double p, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotNeutralino (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addSbotChargino (double p, double mt, DoubleMatrix &chargino) |
virtual void | addSbotCorrection (double p, DoubleMatrix &mass, double mb) |
Checked 16.08.2005. More... | |
DoubleMatrix | addSlepHiggs (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addSlepEweak (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
void | addSlepGaugino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &chargino, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
virtual void | addSlepCorrection (DoubleMatrix &mass, int family) |
16.09.05 checked. More... | |
void | addSlepCorrection (double p, DoubleMatrix &mass, int family) |
void | addStauSfermion (double p, double mtau, DoubleMatrix &stop, DoubleMatrix &sbottom) |
void | addStauGaugino (double p, double mtau, DoubleMatrix &chargino, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addStauEweak (double p, double mtau, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addStauHiggs (double p, double mtau, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
virtual void | addStauCorrection (double p, DoubleMatrix &mass, double mtau) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupQCD (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &strong) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupHiggs (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &higgs) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupEweak (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &electroweak) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupNeutralino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &neutralino) |
DoubleMatrix | addSupChargino (double p1, double p2, int family, DoubleMatrix &chargino) |
virtual void | addSupCorrection (DoubleMatrix &mass, int family) |
As in BPMZ appendix, INCLUDING weak boson loops. More... | |
void | addSnuTauSfermion (double p, double &stop, double &sbottom) |
double | addSnuTauHiggs (double p, double &higgs) |
double | addSnuTauEweak (double p, double &electroweak) |
void | addSnuTauGaugino (double p, double &chargino, double &neutralino) |
virtual void | addSnuTauCorrection (double &mass) |
double | addSnuHiggs (double p, int family, double &higgs) |
double | addSnuEweak (double p, int family, double &electroweak) |
void | addSnuGaugino (double p, int family, double &chargino, double &neutralino) |
virtual void | addSnuCorrection (double &mass, int family) |
Found+fixed bug 7/09/06. Thanks to J Kersten. More... | |
void | addSquarkCorrection (DoubleMatrix &mass) |
Now these are calculated at the squark scale. More... | |
virtual void | treeUpSquark (DoubleMatrix &mass, double mtrun, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int family) |
virtual void | treeDownSquark (DoubleMatrix &mass, double mbrun, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int family) |
virtual void | treeChargedSlepton (DoubleMatrix &mass, double mTrun, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbarMS, int family) |
void | treeSnu (double &mSq, double pizztMS, int family) |
void | setNeutCurrCouplings (double sinthDRbar, double &sw2, double &guL, double &gdL, double &geL, double &guR, double &gdR, double &geR) |
void | calcDRTrilinears (drBarPars &eg, double vev, double beta) |
sets the Yukawas and Trilinears | |
void | calcDrBarHiggs (double beta, double mz2, double mw2, double sinthDRbar, drBarPars &eg) |
void | treeCharginos (DoubleMatrix &mCh, double beta, double mw) |
void | treeNeutralinos (DoubleMatrix &mN, double beta, double mz, double mw, double sinth) |
void | calcDrBarGauginos (double beta, double mw, double mz, double sinth, drBarPars &eg) |
masses in eg with the appropriate values on exit. | |
double | qedSusythresh (double alphaEm, double Q) const |
double | qcdSusythresh (double alphasMSbar, double Q) |
double | calcMs () const |
DRbar pars should be defined already for this. More... | |
virtual void | physical (int accuracy) |
virtual double | calcRunMtQCD () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop and 2-loop QCD corrections. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunMtStopGluino () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop stop-Gluino corrections. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunMtHiggs () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop Higgs corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunMtNeutralinos () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop Neutralino corrections. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunMtCharginos () const |
Obtains (16 Pi^2) / mt times 1-loop Charginos corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunningMt () |
virtual double | calcRunMtauDrBarConv () const |
calculates factor to convert to DrBar for mtau | |
virtual double | calcRunMtauCharginos (double mTauSMMZ) const |
virtual double | calcRunMtauNeutralinos (double mTauSMMZ) const |
virtual double | calcRunMtauHiggs () const |
Obtains (1 / mtau) times 1-loop Higgs corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunningMtau () |
Full BPMZ expression. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunMbDrBarConv () const |
calculates factor to convert to DrBar for mb | |
virtual double | calcRunMbSquarkGluino () const |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop sbottom-Gluino corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunMbChargino () const |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop squark-chargino corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunMbHiggs () const |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop Higgs corrections. | |
virtual double | calcRunMbNeutralinos () const |
Obtains (1 / mb) times 1-loop neutralino-suqrk corrections. More... | |
virtual double | calcRunningMb () |
double | calcSinthdrbar () const |
Calculates DRbar sin theta_w at the current scale from gauge couplings. More... | |
double | getVev () |
Calculates Higgs VEV parameter from gauge couplings and MZ. | |
double | getVev (double pizzt) |
virtual void | charginos (int accuracy, double piwwt) |
checked More... | |
virtual void | addChaLoopSfermion (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS) const |
virtual void | addChaLoopGauge (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS, DoubleMatrix b1pCha, DoubleMatrix b0pCha, DoubleMatrix b1pNeut, DoubleMatrix b0pNeut) const |
virtual void | addChaLoopHiggs (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS, DoubleMatrix b1pCha, DoubleMatrix b0pCha, DoubleMatrix b1pNeut, DoubleMatrix b0pNeut) const |
virtual void | addCharginoLoop (double p, DoubleMatrix &) |
Adds the loop corrections on to an input tree-level chargino mass. More... | |
void | addNeutLoopSfermion (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS) |
void | getNeutPassarinoVeltman (double p, double q, DoubleMatrix &b0fn, DoubleMatrix &b1fn) |
LCT: Returns matrix of Passarino-Veltman B0 and B1 functions. More... | |
void | addNeutLoopGauge (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS) |
void | addNeutLoopHiggs (double p, DoubleMatrix &sigmaL, DoubleMatrix &sigmaR, DoubleMatrix &sigmaS) |
virtual void | addNeutralinoLoop (double p, DoubleMatrix &) |
Adds the loop corrections on to an input tree-level neutralino mass. More... | |
virtual void | gluino (int accuracy) |
Calculates pole gluino mass to 1-loop SUSY corrections. More... | |
void | calcHiggsAtScale (int accuracy, double &mt, double &sinthDRbar, double &piwwtMS, double &pizztMS, double q=0.) |
bool | higgs (int accuracy, double piwwt, double pizzt) |
virtual int | rewsbMu (int sgnMu, double &mu) const |
virtual int | rewsbM3sq (double, double &) const |
returns 1 if mu < 1.0e-9 More... | |
int | rewsbM3sqTree (double, double &) const |
returns 1 if mu < 1.0e-9 More... | |
void | alternativeEwsb (double mt) |
Fixes mH1^2 and mH2^2 in order to get muCond and mAcond correct. More... | |
virtual void | rewsbTreeLevel (int sgnMu) |
double | treeLevelMuSq () |
void | iterateMu (double &munew, int sgnMu, double mt, int maxTries, double pizztMS, double sinthDRbar, double tol, int &err) |
double | predTanb (double muSusy=-6.66e66) const |
double | predMzsq (double &tanb, double muOld=-6.66e66, double eps=0.) |
double | deltaEW () const |
Returns fine-tuning as defined in Baer et al arXiv:1212.2655 eq 1.2. More... | |
double | ewsbCondition1TreeLevel () const |
DH: returns the values of the tree-level EWSB conditions. More... | |
double | ewsbCondition2TreeLevel () const |
void | ewsbConditions (DoubleVector &values) const |
void | predVevs (DoubleVector &vevs, int &err) |
DH: solves the EWSB conditions for the Higgs VEVs. More... | |
DoubleVector | fineTune (void(*boundaryCondition)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &), const DoubleVector &bcPars, double MX, bool doTop=false) |
Pass it an object and it'll return the fine tuning parameters. More... | |
double | it1par (int numPar, const DoubleVector &bcPars) |
double | ufb3sl (double) |
double | realMinMs () const |
double | calcBayesianNaturalness () const |
Calculates Bayesian naturalness a la arXiv:1709.07895. | |
virtual double | piZZTHiggs (double p, double Q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
Calculates Higgs contribution to the transverse part of Z self-energy: More... | |
virtual double | piZZTsfermions (double p, double Q) const |
Calculates sfermion contribution to the transverse part of Z self-energy: More... | |
virtual double | piZZTfermions (double p, double Q, bool usePoleMt) const |
fermion contribution to the Transverse part of Z self-energy: More... | |
virtual double | piZZTNeutralinos (double p, double Q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
virtual double | piZZTCharginos (double p, double q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
virtual double | piZZT (double p, double Q, bool usePoleMt=false) const |
Transverse part of Z self-energy: has been checked. More... | |
virtual double | piWWTHiggs (double p, double q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
virtual double | piWWTfermions (double p, double Q, bool usePoleMt) const |
virtual double | piWWTsfermions (double p, double Q) const |
virtual double | piWWTgauginos (double p, double Q, double thetaWDRbar) const |
virtual double | piWWT (double p, double Q, bool usePoleMt=false) const |
virtual void | getNeutralinoCharginoHpmCoup (ComplexMatrix &apph1, ComplexMatrix &apph2, ComplexMatrix &bpph1, ComplexMatrix &bpph2) const |
LCT: Returns trilinear neutralino-chargino-hpm coupling in unrotated basis. More... | |
double | piHpHmFermions (double p, double q) const |
LCT: Returns fermion contributions to charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piHpHmSfermions (double p, double q, double mu) const |
LCT: Returns sfermion contributions to charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piHpHmGauge (double p, double q) const |
LCT: Returns pure gauge contributions to charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piHpHmHiggs (double p, double q) const |
LCT: Returns Higgs contributions to charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piHpHmGauginos (double p, double q) const |
virtual double | piHpHm (double p, double Q) const |
LCT: Charged Higgs self-energy. More... | |
double | piZGT (double p, double Q) const |
virtual double | piAA (double p, double Q) const |
Complex | pis1s1Sfermions (double p, double q, DoubleMatrix ls1tt, DoubleMatrix ls1bb, DoubleMatrix ls1tautau) const |
Calculates (16 Pi^2) times the sfermion contribution to Higgs. More... | |
Complex | pis1s2Sfermions (double p, double q, DoubleMatrix ls1tt, DoubleMatrix ls1bb, DoubleMatrix ls1tautau, DoubleMatrix ls2tt, DoubleMatrix ls2bb, DoubleMatrix ls2tautau) const |
Complex | pis2s2Sfermions (double p, double q, DoubleMatrix ls2tt, DoubleMatrix ls2bb, DoubleMatrix ls2tautau) const |
Complex | pis1s1Fermions (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2Fermions (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s1Higgs (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s2Higgs (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2Higgs (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s1Neutralinos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s2Neutralinos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2Neutralinos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s1Charginos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s2Charginos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2Charginos (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s1 (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis1s2 (double p, double q) const |
Complex | pis2s2 (double p, double q) const |
checked 28.10.02 More... | |
double | sinSqThetaEff () |
Calculates sin^2 theta^l_eff. | |
virtual double | h1s2Mix () |
gets h1 mixing element with Hu. | |
virtual void | rhohat (double &outrho, double &outsin, double alphaMZDRbar, double pizztMZ, double piwwt0, double piwwtMW, double tol, int maxTries) |
virtual double | deltaVb (double outrho, double outsin, double alphaDRbar, double pizztMZ) const |
outrho, outsin represent the DRbar values More... | |
virtual double | dRho (double outrho, double outsin, double alphaDRbar, double pizztMZ, double piwwtMW) |
virtual double | dR (double outrho, double outsin, double alphaDRbar, double pizztMZ, double piwwt0) |
double | maxMass () const |
Returns the mass of the heaviest SUSY particle, excluding gravitino. More... | |
int | lsp (double &mass, int &posi, int &posj) const |
int | nlsp (double &mass, int &posi, int &posj) const |
string | printShort () const |
Prints a list of important sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output. More... | |
string | printLong () |
Prints a list of all sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output. More... | |
string | printLongDrbar () |
Prints a list of all running sparticle/Higgs masses to standard output. More... | |
virtual void | printObj () |
Prints whole object to standard output. | |
double | thet (double a, double b, double c=0.0) |
log(max(a^2, b^2, c^2) / Q^2) | |
void | fixedPointIteration (TMSSMBoundaryCondition boundaryCondition, double mxGuess, const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, const QedQcd &oneset, bool gaugeUnification, bool ewsbBCscale=false) |
double | lowOrg (void(*boundaryCondition)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &), double mxGuess, const DoubleVector &pars, int sgnMu, double tanb, const QedQcd &oneset, bool gaugeUnification, bool ewsbBCscale=false) |
void | itLowsoft (int maxTries, int sgnMu, double tol, double tanb, void(*boundaryCondition)(MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &), const DoubleVector &pars, bool gaugeUnification, bool ewsbBCscale) |
void | isajetNumbers764 (double &mtopPole, double &mGPole, double &smu, double &mA, double &tanb, double &mq1l, double &mdr, double &mur, double &meL, double &meR, double &mql3, double &mdr3, double &mur3, double &mtauL, double &mtauR, double &at, double &ab, double &atau, double &mq2l, double &msr, double &mcr, double &mmuL, double &mmuR, double &m1, double &m2) const |
void | isajetInterface764 (const char fname[80]) const |
prints a file into fname which acts as an input to isajet More... | |
void | ssrunInterface764Inside (const char fname[80], fstream &) const |
void | ssrunInterface764 (const char fname[80], const char softfname[80]) const |
void | isawigInterface764 (const char fnamein[80], const char fnameout[80], const char fnamesoft[80]) const |
virtual void | setEwsbConditions (const DoubleVector &inputs) |
Again, another dummy - useful in alternative EWSB conditions sometimes. More... | |
void | headerSLHA (ostream &out) |
virtual void | spinfoSLHA (ostream &out) |
This does the SPINFO block of SLHA. | |
void | modselSLHA (ostream &out, const char model[]) |
This does the MODSEL block of SLHA. More... | |
void | sminputsSLHA (ostream &out) |
SMINPUTS block of SLHA. | |
void | minparSLHA (ostream &out, const char model[], const DoubleVector &pars, double tanb, int sgnMu, bool ewsbBCscale) |
MINPAR block of SLHA. More... | |
void | massSLHA (ostream &out) |
This does the job of the above method, but outputs the Mass block. More... | |
virtual void | higgsMSLHA (ostream &out) |
higgs part of mass block of SLHA | |
virtual void | neutralinoCharginoMSLHA (ostream &out) |
neutralino and charigno part of mass block of SLHA More... | |
void | sfermionmixSLHA (ostream &out) |
hmix block output of SLHA | |
virtual void | neutralinoMixingSLHA (ostream &out) |
nmix block output of SLHA | |
void | inomixingSLHA (ostream &out) |
This does the job of the above method, but outputs the UMIX/VMIX blocks. More... | |
virtual void | softsusySLHA (ostream &out) |
SOFTSUSY comments in SLHA. | |
void | alphaSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermionic part of mixing blocks | |
virtual void | hmixSLHA (ostream &out) |
higgs part of mixing blocks | |
void | gaugeSLHA (ostream &out) |
sfermionic part of mixing blocks | |
virtual void | drbarSLHA (ostream &out, int numPoints, double qMax, int n) |
outputs DRbar parameters at scale Q (default is at MSUSY) More... | |
void | doUfb3 (double mgut) |
void | assignHiggs (DoubleVector &higgsm, DoubleVector &higgsc, DoubleVector &dnu, DoubleVector &dnd, DoubleVector &cn, double beta) const |
void | assignHiggs (DoubleVector &higgsm, DoubleVector &higgsc) const |
void | assignHiggsSfermions (DoubleVector &higgsm, DoubleVector &higgsc, DoubleVector &dnu, DoubleVector &dnd, DoubleVector &cn, double beta) const |
some switches due to BPMZ's different conventions More... | |
double | smPredictionMW () const |
checked 22/04/06 More... | |
double | twoLoopGm2 (double amu1Loop) const |
double | twoLpMt () const |
double | twoLpMb () const |
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MssmSusy () | |
MssmSusy (const MssmSusy &) | |
Constructor sets object to be equal to another. | |
MssmSusy (const DoubleMatrix &u, const DoubleMatrix &d, const DoubleMatrix &e, const DoubleVector &v, double m, double tb, double h, int mix) | |
const MssmSusy & | operator= (const MssmSusy &s) |
Default destructor. More... | |
void | setMssmSusy (const MssmSusy &s) |
sets object to be equal to another | |
void | setMssmLoops (double l) |
void | setHvev (double h) |
Sets DRbar running Higgs vev. | |
void | setSomePars (const MssmSusy &s) |
Copies Yukawa matrices and gauge couplings from s only. | |
void | setYukawaElement (yukawa, int, int, double) |
Sets one element of a Yukawa matrix. | |
void | setYukawaMatrix (yukawa, const DoubleMatrix &) |
Sets whole Yukawa matrix. | |
void | setGaugeCoupling (int, double) |
Set a single gauge coupling. | |
void | setAllGauge (const DoubleVector &) |
Set all gauge couplings. | |
void | setSusyMu (double) |
Sets superpotential mu parameter. | |
void | setTanb (double) |
Sets tan beta. | |
void | setMssmApprox (int l, int t) |
Set loops/thresholds. | |
void | setMssmApprox (const Approx &a) |
void | set (const DoubleVector &) |
void | set (const DoubleVector &, int &k) |
void | setMixing (double mix) |
Sets quark mixing parameter. | |
int | displayMssmLoops () const |
double | displayHvev () const |
Returns DRbar running Higgs vev. | |
const MssmSusy & | displayMssmSusy () const |
Returns whole object as a const. | |
double | displayYukawaElement (yukawa, int, int) const |
Returns a single Yukawa matrix element. | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displayYukawaMatrix (yukawa) const |
Returns a whole Yukawa matrix. | |
double | displayGaugeCoupling (int) const |
Returns a single gauge coupling. | |
DoubleVector | displayGauge () const |
Returns all gauge couplings. | |
double | displaySusyMu () const |
Returns superpotential mu parameter. | |
double | displayTanb () const |
Returns tan beta. | |
Approx | displayMssmApprox () const |
const DoubleVector | display () const |
int | displayMixing () const |
Returns quark mixing parameter. | |
void | getMasses (QedQcd &r, double vev) const |
void | quarkMixing (const DoubleMatrix &CKM, int mix) |
void | setDiagYukawas (const QedQcd &, double vev) |
void | getQuarkMixedYukawas (const QedQcd &r, const DoubleMatrix &CKM, int mix, double vev) |
void | diagQuarkBasis (DoubleMatrix &vdl, DoubleMatrix &vdr, DoubleMatrix &vul, DoubleMatrix &vur) const |
MssmSusy | beta (sBrevity &) const |
void | getOneLpAnom (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gDD, DoubleMatrix &gUU, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, sBrevity &a) const |
void | getTwoLpAnom (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gDD, DoubleMatrix &gUU, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, sBrevity &a) const |
void | getThreeLpAnom (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gDD, DoubleMatrix &gUU, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, sBrevity &a) const |
By Bednyakov, see arXiv:1009.5455. More... | |
void | anomalousDimension (DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gUU, DoubleMatrix &gDD, DoubleVector &dg, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2, sBrevity &a) const |
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MssmSoftPars () | |
Default constructor fills object with zeroes. | |
MssmSoftPars (const MssmSoftPars &) | |
Constructor sets all parameters equal to those in another object. More... | |
const MssmSoftPars & | operator= (const MssmSoftPars &s) |
Sets all parameters equal to those in another object. | |
MssmSoftPars (const DoubleVector &mG, const DoubleMatrix &aU, const DoubleMatrix &aD, const DoubleMatrix &aE, const DoubleMatrix &mQl, const DoubleMatrix &mUr, const DoubleMatrix &mDr, const DoubleMatrix &mLl, const DoubleMatrix &mEr, double m3sq, double mH1sq, double mH2sq, double mGravitino) | |
const MssmSoftPars & | displayMssmSoftPars () const |
Returns whole object as a const. | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displayTrilinear (trilinears) const |
Return a trilinear coupling matrix. | |
double | displayTrilinear (trilinears, int i, int j) const |
Return a trilinear element. | |
const DoubleMatrix & | displaySoftMassSquared (softMasses) const |
Return a soft mass squared matrix. | |
double | displaySoftMassSquared (softMasses, int i, int j) const |
Return a soft mass squared element. | |
double | displayGravitino () const |
Returns the gravitino mass. | |
double | displayM3Squared () const |
Return \( m_3^2\). | |
double | displayMh1Squared () const |
Return \(m_{H_1}^2\). | |
double | displayMh2Squared () const |
Return \(m_{H_2}^2\)=mH2sq. | |
DoubleVector | displayGaugino () const |
Return \(M_{G_i}\). | |
double | displayGaugino (int i) const |
void | display (DoubleVector &v, int &k) const |
const DoubleVector | display2 () const |
void | setM32 (double) |
Sets gravitino mass. | |
void | setSoftPars (MssmSoftPars const &) |
Sets whole thing equal to another object. | |
void | setSoftMassElement (softMasses, int, int, double) |
Set one element of a soft mass squared matrix. | |
void | setSoftMassMatrix (softMasses, const DoubleMatrix &) |
Set whole of a soft mass squared matrix. | |
void | setTrilinearMatrix (trilinears, const DoubleMatrix &) |
Set whole of a trilinear SUSY breaking parameter matrix. | |
void | setTrilinearElement (trilinears k, int i, int j, double a) |
Set one element of a trilinear SUSY breaking parameter matrix. | |
void | setGauginoMass (int, double) |
Set one gaugino mass. | |
void | setAllGauginos (const DoubleVector &) |
Set all gaugino masses. | |
void | setM3Squared (double) |
Sets \( m_3^2\). | |
void | setMh1Squared (double) |
Sets \( m_{H_1}^2\). | |
void | setMh2Squared (double) |
void | set (const DoubleVector &y) |
Sets all SUSY breaking parameters only - not SUSY ones. | |
DoubleVector | beta (const MssmSusy &) const |
Returns double vector containing numerical beta functions of parameters. | |
MssmSoftPars | beta2 (const MssmSusy &xx) const |
Returns numerical beta functions of parameters | |
MssmSoftPars | beta2 (const MssmSusy &xx, sBrevity &a) const |
Returns numerical beta functions of parameters and Brevity. More... | |
void | anomalousDeriv (const MssmSusy &xx, DoubleMatrix &gEE, DoubleMatrix &gLL, DoubleMatrix &gQQ, DoubleMatrix &gUU, DoubleMatrix &gDD, double &gH1H1, double &gH2H2) const |
void | yTildes (const MssmSusy &xx, DoubleMatrix &yu, DoubleMatrix &yd, DoubleMatrix &ye) const |
Ytilde quantities are for calculational brevity in beta functions. | |
void | u1R_PQflip (MssmSusy &s) |
void | universal (MssmSusy &s, double m0, double m12, double a0, double mu, double m3sq) |
void | addAmsb (const MssmSusy &, double m32) |
void | universalTrilinears (const MssmSusy &a, double a0) |
Sets all SUSY breaking trilinear couplings to a0. | |
void | minimalGmsb (const MssmSusy &xx, int n5, double LAMBDA, double mMess, double cgrav) |
void | standardSugra (const MssmSusy &xx, double m0, double m12, double a0) |
Reads in universal boundary conditions at the current scale: m0, M1/2, A0. | |
void | universalScalars (double m0) |
Sets all flavour-diagonal SUSY breaking scalar masses to m0. | |
void | universalGauginos (double m12) |
Sets all flavour-diagonal SUSY breaking gaugino masses to m12. | |
void | inputSoftParsOnly () |
Reads in soft SUSY breaking parameters from a file. | |
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void | setAltEwsb (double ma, double mu) |
void | setAltEwsbMssm (const AltEwsbMssm &s) |
double | displayMaCond () const |
double | displayMuCond () const |
const AltEwsbMssm & | displayAltEwsbMssm () const |
void | setMaCond (double maInput) |
void | setMuCond (double muInput) |
![]() | |
const Approx & | displayApprox () const |
const Approx & | operator= (const Approx &) |
Approx (const Approx &a) | |
Approx (int l, int t) | |
void | setLoops (int l) |
Set number of loops used. | |
void | setThresholds (int t) |
int | displayLoops () const |
Return number of loops. | |
int | displayThresholds () const |
Return level of threshold approximation. | |
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RGE () | |
Default constructor fills data with zeroes. | |
void | setMu (double e) |
Sets renormalisation scale to e. | |
virtual void | setmu (double f) |
void | setPars (int i) |
Set number of parameters in RGE object. | |
double | displayMu () const |
Return renomalisation scale. | |
int | howMany () const |
Return number of parameters. | |
const RGE & | displayRGE () const |
virtual int | run (double from, double to, double eps=-1.0) |
Runs parameters from scale "from" to "to, eps is fractional accuracy. | |
virtual int | runto (double to, double eps=-1.0) |
Runs parameters to scale "to", eps is accuracy. | |
int | callRK (double x1, double x2, DoubleVector &v, DoubleVector(*derivs)(double, const DoubleVector &), double eps=-1.0) |
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RpvSoftPars () | |
bilinear RPV parameters: 1..3 More... | |
RpvSoftPars (const RpvSoftPars &) | |
Constructor sets object with another as copy. | |
RpvSoftPars (const DoubleVector &m, const Tensor &hu, const Tensor &hd, const Tensor &he, const DoubleVector &d) | |
const RpvSoftPars & | operator= (const RpvSoftPars &s) |
Sets contents of operator equal to those of another. | |
void | setDr (const DoubleVector &V) |
Sets bilinear RPV D parameters equal to a vector. | |
void | setD (int, double) |
Sets an individual bilinear RPV D parameter. | |
void | setMh1lSquared (int i, double f) |
Sets a single \( m_{H_1 L_i}^2 \). | |
void | setMh1lSquared (const DoubleVector &v) |
Sets all \( m_{H_1 L_i}^2 \). | |
void | setHr (RpvCouplings, int, int, int, double) |
Sets an element of \( h_U \)=hu, \( h_D \)=hd or \( h_E \)=he. | |
void | setHr (RpvCouplings, const Tensor &) |
Sets all elements of \( h_U \)=hu, \( h_D \)=hd or \( h_E \)=he. | |
void | set (const DoubleVector &v, int &k) |
void | setRpvSoftPars (const RpvSoftPars &s) |
Sets all parameters in object equal to those in another. | |
const RpvSoftPars & | displayRpvSoft () const |
Returns object as a const. | |
const Tensor & | displayHr (RpvCouplings) const |
Returns one of RPV \( h_{U,D,E} \) parameter tensors. | |
const DoubleVector & | displayMh1lSquared () const |
Returns vector of \( m_{H_1 L_i}^2 \). | |
const DoubleVector & | displayDr () const |
Returns vector of $D$ parameters. | |
void | checkOut (double tol) const |
void | display (DoubleVector &v, int &k) const |
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RpvSusyPars () | |
bilinear RPV parameters More... | |
RpvSusyPars (const RpvSusyPars &) | |
Constructor copies another object. | |
RpvSusyPars (const Tensor &hu, const Tensor &hd, const Tensor &he, const DoubleVector &d) | |
const RpvSusyPars & | operator= (const RpvSusyPars &s) |
Set all data in the object equal to another. | |
void | setLam (int i, int j, int k, double f) |
Conventional couplings: lambda_{ijk}. | |
void | setLamPrime (int i, int j, int k, double f) |
Conventional couplings: lambda'_{ijk}. | |
void | setLamPrimePrime (int i, int j, int k, double f) |
Conventional couplings: lambda'_{ijk}. | |
void | setKappa (int, double) |
Set one kappa value. | |
void | setLambda (RpvCouplings, int, int, int, double) |
Set a single element of a lambda tensor. | |
void | setKappa (const DoubleVector &k) |
Set all kappa values. | |
void | setLambda (const RpvCouplings &r, const Tensor &t) |
Set all of one tensor. | |
void | set (const DoubleVector &v, int &k) |
void | setRpvSusyPars (const RpvSusyPars &s) |
sets all parameters to be those in s | |
const Tensor & | displayLambda (RpvCouplings) const |
Returns one of the tensors LU, LD or LE. | |
const DoubleVector & | displayKappa () const |
Returns all kappa values in a vector. | |
double | displayLam (int i, int j, int k) const |
Conventional couplings: lambda_{ijk}. | |
double | displayLamPrime (int i, int j, int k) const |
Conventional couplings: lambda'_{ijk}. | |
double | displayLamPrimePrime (int i, int j, int k) const |
Conventional couplings: lambda''_{ijk}. | |
const RpvSusyPars & | displayRpvSusy () const |
Returns all object as a const. | |
void | display (DoubleVector &v, int &k) const |
void | checkOut (double tol) const |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void(* | TMSSMBoundaryCondition) (MssmSoftsusy &, const DoubleVector &) |
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int | included_thresholds |
Flag allowing to choose which two-loop thresholds have to be included. | |
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void | setT1OV1Ms (double t1) |
void | setT2OV2Ms (double t2) |
void | setT1OV1Ms1loop (double t1) |
void | setT2OV2Ms1loop (double t2) |
void | check_flags () |
check consistency of threshold flags More... | |
DoubleMatrix | calcHiggs3L (bool is_bottom) |
Higgs 3L corrections. More... | |
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double | mxBC |
Scale at which SUSY breaking boundary conditions set. | |
Real valued R-Parity violating MSSM object: use for UDD couplings.
double softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::calculateM3sq | ( | const DoubleVector & | sneutrinoVevs, |
double | snuSq, | ||
double | v1, | ||
double | v2 | ||
) |
Returns value of m3sq consistent with sneutrino vevs given (which should be a length-3 vector) IO parameters: sgnMu=+/-1, sign of Higgs potential mu parameter, v1 and v2 are the two Higgs doublet VEVs and must be input and snuSq is the sum of squares of sneutrino VEVs
double softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::calculateMu | ( | const DoubleVector & | sneutrinoVevs, |
int | sgnMu, | ||
double | v1, | ||
double | v2 | ||
) |
Returns value of mu consistent with sneutrino vevs given (which should be a length-3 vector) IO parameters: sgnMu=+/-1, sign of Higgs potential mu parameter, v1 and v2 are the two Higgs doublet VEVs and must be input
DoubleMatrix softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::chargedLeptons | ( | double | vev | ) |
Calculates charged lepton-chargino mass matrix including sneutrino VEVs.
Calculates the charged lepton mass matrix once the leptonic Yukawas have been set. IO parameters: vev is um of slepton+Higgs Vevs in quadrature
virtual |
Calculates pole Higgs masses and mixings: old feynHiggsfast calculation IO parameters: piwwt is the W self-energy at M_SUSY, accuracy is number of loops (0 or 1) to use and pizzt is the Z self-energy at M_SUSY
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::isawigInterface764 | ( | char | herwigInputFile[80], |
char | isajetOutputFile[80], | ||
char | softOutputFile[80], | ||
double | eps = 0. |
) | const |
Writes a file for input to ISAWIG, which will write HERWIG information on a file called herwigInputFile, ISAJET output in isajetOutputFile. The input file for ISAWIG is called softOutputFile. The RPV couplings will not be output if they are smaller than eps.
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::iterateChargedLeptons | ( | double | vev, |
DoubleMatrix & | yeOld, | ||
double | tol, | ||
int | maxTries, | ||
int & | err, | ||
double | mtau | ||
) |
Iterates the charged lepton mass matrix in order to get pole lepton masses and sneutrino VEVs etc correct. IO: yeOld is input and a better approximation to it is output. vev is sum of slepton+Higgs Vevs in quadrature tol=desired fractional accuracy, maxTries=maximum number of iterations after which it bails out with zeroes in yeOld and an error flag in err!=0. mtau=the running DRbar tau mass
Save the charged lepton mixing matrices
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::iterateRewsb | ( | double & | mu, |
double & | m3sq, | ||
DoubleVector & | sneutrinoVevs, | ||
int | sgnMu, | ||
int & | numTries, | ||
int | maxTries, | ||
double | tol, | ||
double | mt, | ||
double | oldMu, | ||
double | eps | ||
) |
Iterative solution to electroweak symmetry breaking boundary conditions. IO parameters: mu, m3sq are input and output Higgs potential parameters, iterated along with the sneutrino Vevs. Input sgnMu is the sign of mu, maxTries is the maximum number of iterations, tol is the desired fractional accuracy and mt is the DRbar running top mass
virtual |
This is used to set both GUT-scale RPV parameters v(i=4,...) and the SUSY breaking ones: v(1)=m0, v(2)=m12, v(3)=a0 where IO parameters: m0=scalar mass, m12=gaugino mass, a0=trilinear coupling
Reimplemented from softsusy::MssmSoftsusy.
virtual |
Calculates neutralino masses. Uses RPC approximation for the 4 neutralinos then diagonalises the full 7 by 7 case for the neutrinos.
Reimplemented from softsusy::MssmSoftsusy.
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::outputNonZeroInputs | ( | ostream & | out | ) |
For SLHA output: prints out the non-zero values of the inputted SUSY RPV couplings
virtual |
Performs radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. IO parameters: sgnMu is +/-1, the sign of mu mt is the RUNNING DRbar top mass
Set the RPV couplings here if we need to: currently only works with CMSSM
Reimplemented from softsusy::MssmSoftsusy.
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::rotateAwayVevs | ( | DoubleVector & | snVevs | ) |
Input a set of values for sneutrino VEVs and it returns a more accurate set - the next step in the iteration.
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::rpvAnomalousDeriv | ( | DoubleMatrix & | gEE, |
DoubleMatrix & | gLL, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | gQQ, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | gUU, | ||
DoubleMatrix & | gDD, | ||
double & | gH1H1, | ||
double & | gH2H2, | ||
DoubleVector & | gH1L | ||
) | const |
Derivative of anomalous dimensions of fields with respect to renormalisation scale of RPV parts of RPV MSSM.
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::rpvDisplay | ( | DoubleVector & | parameters | ) | const |
returns double vector of 9 (untouched) free entries followed by 112 RPV parameters the 9 entries are left free for general cmssmBcs, amsbBcs, If you need *more parameters left, reserve the first pos (optional argument)
virtual |
sets RPV parameters from entry 10 onwards using vector produced by RpvSoftsusy::rpvDisplay() the 9 entries are left free for general cmssmBcs, amsbBcs, ... parameters
Reimplemented from softsusy::MssmSoftsusy.
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::rpvyTildes | ( | DoubleMatrix & | ye, |
DoubleMatrix & | yd, | ||
Tensor & | letilde, | ||
Tensor & | ldtilde, | ||
Tensor & | lutilde | ||
) | const |
Ytilde quantities are for calculational brevity in beta functions. They are all outputs here. This function returns the RPV parts (only) of the ytildes
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::slha1 | ( | ostream & | out, |
const char | model[], | ||
const DoubleVector & | pars, | ||
int | sgnMu, | ||
double | tanb, | ||
double | qMax, | ||
int | numPoints, | ||
bool | ewsbBCscale | ||
) |
Outputs with close to SLHA1 conventions to standard output. Inputs: out should be something like cout or fout depending on whether you want output in a file or not. model contains what form of model is used for the SUSY breaking terms (eg cmssm, gmsb, amsb, nonUniversal). qMax is only relevant if you want a gridded output of running parameters up to some scale qMax. Put numPoints = 1 if you don't want to use this option - then qMaz is immaterial. mb is mb(mb) in the MSbar scheme used to produce the output, whereas mtau is the pole mass used (eg 1.777). mgut is the GUT scale that has been determined, and altEwsb is true if you specified mu and mA as input parameters (not tan beta and mH1, mH2).
virtual |
Calculates DRbar values of gauge and Yukawa couplings from data, depending upon the spectrum and input value of tan beta=tb pars contains RPV SUSY parameters for the point in question
Reimplemented from softsusy::MssmSoftsusy.
void softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::standardSugra | ( | double | m0, |
double | m12, | ||
double | a0 | ||
) |
Theoretical boundary condition upon SUSY breaking terms. SUSY RPV parameters must be set before this is applied IO parameters: m0=scalar mass, m12=gaugino mass, a0=trilinear coupling
int softsusy::RpvSoftsusy::usefulVevs | ( | double | vSM, |
const DoubleVector & | sneutrinoVevs, | ||
double & | snuSq, | ||
double & | v1, | ||
double & | v2 | ||
) | const |
IO parameters: vSM = total VEVs of Higgs+sneutrinos (added in.
v2 are the two Higgs doublet VEVs and snuSq is the sum of squares of sneutrino VEVs: all arguments are outputs except for the The VEVs that come out are in SOFTSUSY notation