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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 decays.hCode calculates decay modes and prints out an SLHA format file with them in. For R-parity conserving NMSSM/MSSM. See arXiv:1703.09717
 def.hSwitches (options) and parameters such as default fermion masses, required accuracy etc
 dilogwrap.hDilog function
 flavoursoft.hHeader file for RP conserving MSSM object including all (real) soft SUSY breaking parameters and (real) SUSY couplings. with non-trivial flavour calculation
 higher_order.hInterface to higher loop corrections
 linalg.hDoubleVector and DoubleMatrix classes of doubles and operations between them, complexified copies also
 lowe.hQedQcd object contains Standard Model quark and lepton masses. It integrates them using 3 loop qcd x 1 loop qed effective theory
 main-nmssm.cppMain C++ program to calculate Higgs masses as a function of tan beta in the NMSSM
 main.hMain C++ program to calculate Higgs masses as a function of tan beta
 mainDecay.hMain C++ program to calculate Higgs masses as a function of tan beta
 mssm_twoloop_as.hTwo loop corrections to the top mass. This file has been generated at Fri 14 Jul 2017 22:12:37 with the script "as2_to_cpp.m"
 mssm_twoloop_mb.hTwo loop corrections to the bottom mass. This file has been generated at Fri 7 Apr 2017 21:00:53 with the script "bquark_to_cpp.m". It is part of FlexibleSUSY.
 mssm_twoloop_mt.hTwo loop corrections to the top mass. This file has been generated at Fri 31 Mar 2017 14:09:29 with the script "tquark_to_cpp.m". This file is part of FlexibleSUSY
 mssm_twoloop_mtau.hTwo loop corrections to the tau mass. This file has been generated at Fri 7 Apr 2017 21:00:53 with the script "tau_to_cpp.m". It is part of FlexibleSUSY.
 mssmjacobian.cppImplementation of routines for calculating Jacobian fine-tuning
 mssmjacobian.hProvides routines for calculating Jacobian fine-tuning
 mssmUtils.hA few handy routines for the MSSM: SUSY breaking conditions etc
 mycomplex.hComplex numbers and operators between them
 nmssm2loop.hTwo-loop Higgs and potential corrections from Pietro Slavich
 nmssmjacobian.cppImplementation of routines for calculating Jacobian fine-tuning
 nmssmjacobian.hProvides routines for calculating Jacobian fine-tuning
 nmssmsoftpars.hSoft SUSY breaking parameters for NMSSM
 nmssmsoftsusy.hNmssmSoftsusy object contains all the NMSSM functionality: SUSY breaking and preserving parameters, and physical parameters etc
 nmssmsusy.hNmssmSusy NMSSM SUSY couplings and tan beta. NmssmSusy contains all NMSSM SUSY couplings and tan beta, as well as their beta functions
 nmssmUtils.hA few handy routines for the NMSSM: SUSY breaking conditions etc
 numerics.hNumerical routines - differential equation solver, differentiator and function minimiser for instance
 particle.hDefinitions of particles and container for decay widths
 physpars.hFlags for potential problems in sProblem structure, and structure for containing physical MSSM parameters such as pole masses in sPhysical
 rge.hRGE objects consisting of energy scale and parameters and loops (order in perturbation theory) and thresholds (accuracy of calculation, handles decoupling ususally)
 rpvmain.hExample main program for the RPV aspects
 rpvneut.hGeneralisation of RpvMssmSoftsusy object to include the loop corrections to neutrino masses and to the one-loop sneutrino VEVs
 rpvsoft.hR-Parity violating MSSM object including real params/masses. Use RpvNeutrino for lepton-number violation (includes one-loop neutrino mass corrections), or RpvSoftsusy for baryon number violation
 rpvsusypars.hContains all supersymmetric RPVMSSM parameters
 softpars.hSoft SUSY breaking parameters
 softpoint.hMain program: reads input in SLHA or command line format
 softsusy.hHeader file for RP conserving MSSM object including all (real) soft SUSY breaking parameters and (real) SUSY couplings. Also contains MssmSoftsusy2 object, which has alternative EWSB boundary conditions at MSUSY
 susy.hMssmSusy contains all SUSY couplings and tan beta, as well as their beta functions
 tensor.hThree-index tensor for containing information on R-parity violating couplings. Also contains linear algebra functions for interaction with matrices and vectors
 threeBodyDecays.hCode calculates three-body decay modes and prints out an SLHA format file with them in. For R-parity conserving NMSSM/MSSM. See arXiv://1703.09717
 twoBodyDecays.hCode calculates two body decay modes of sparticles and Higgs. See arxiv:1703.09717
 twoloophiggs.hContains two-loop routines from Slavich et al
 utils.hA few handy bits and pieces - little mathematical functions and the like
 xpr-base.hSymbolic under-object for vectors/matrices for speed upgrade. The linear algebra operations are often set up at compile time rather than at run-time
 xpr-matrix.hSymbolic object for matrices for speed upgrade
 xpr-vector.hSymbolic object for vectors for speed upgrade